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Stackyard News May 06

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    Day-Long Seminar Programme At Beef Expo

A day-long series of nine 20-minute seminars on a range of practical issues, concluding with a panel discussion in “Question Time” format, will be one of the major features at Beef Expo 2006.

beef expo

The UK’s annual national beef event is being held at Harrison and Hetherington’s Borderway Mart, Carlisle on Friday, June 2, and is being organised by the National Beef Association.

“We have a galaxy of speakers who are recognised experts in their own fields and visitors will be able to “match and mix” the seminars they wish to attend,” said Ian Watson, chairman of the Beef Expo organising committee. “The format is a short, sharp presentation from the speaker, followed by a question and answer session, with the whole session taking no more than 30 minutes, leaving visitors plenty of time to view all the other activities which make Beef Expo such an important event for the beef industry.”

Subjects to be covered by the seminars (programme attached) will range from animal health and nutrition to the prospects for exporting both beef and live cattle.

The day’s programme will conclude at 3.30 p.m. with a “Question time” chaired by Alan Bowe, chairman of the Harrison and Hetherington Group. The panel members will be Robert Forster, chief executive of the National Beef Association, Peter Kendal, president of the National Farmers Union, John Cross, chairman of EBLEX, and Norman Bagley, policy director, AIMS.

Mainline sponsors of Beef Expo 2006 are Harrison and Hetherington, Dugdale Nutrition, EBLEX, Intervet, Keenan and Yara.

Time Subject Speaker
10.00 - 10.20 Outwintering of Cattle Gavin Hill, Beef, Specialist, SAC
10.30 - 10.50 The role of the Auction Market LAA & IAAS
11.00 - 11.20 Opening Ceremony
11.30 - 12.00 Beef Better Returns Chris Lloyd, EBLEX
12.10 - 12.30 What Is In Front Of Us? Robert Forster, NBA
12.40 - 13.00 Feeding the Suckler Cow – Rearing, Growing & Finishing Donald Brown, Keenan
13.10 - 13.40 How to Maximise Beef Herd Fertility Colin Penny, Royal Dick Vet School
13.50 - 14.10 British Beef Back in Europe Jean Pierre Garnier, MLC
14.20 - 14.50 British Cattle – Open for Business Henry Lewis, Chairman, British Livestock Genetics Consortium and Andrew Taylor, Livestock Export Solutions
15.00 - 15.20 Dugdale Nutrition M3 Beef System Donald MacLeod, Sales Manager, Dugdale Nutrition

15.30 -

“Question Time”
– Your chance to put your questions to the panel
  • Chairman of Panel – Alan Bowe, Chairman, H & H Group
  • Robert Forster, Chief Executive, National Beef Association
  • Peter Kendal, NFU President
  • John Cross, Chairman, EBLEX
  • Norman Bagley, Policy Director, AIMS

link Beef Expo Set To Kick-Start Beef Export Market
link Biggest Ever Display Of Beef Cattle Breeds At Beef Expo
link Diet Feeder and Straw Chopper Demos at Beef Expo 2006
link Leading Cumbrian Beef Farms To Be Visited During Beef Expo
link Strong Trade Support For Beef Expo
link National Suckled Calf Show At Beef Expo 2006

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Beef Expo

National Beef Association