Plough bodies that are designed to cut a wider furrow bottom and
are therefore more suited to tractors with wider tyres are now
available as an option on all Kuhn’s mounted and semi-mounted
LP bodies, shown on Kuhn’s Vari-Master 151, leave a wide furrow bottom more suitable for wider tractor tyres.
The LP bodies, which come as an alternative to the standard
H4 bodies, are also better suited to deep ploughing – for
potatoes or sugar beet for example – and will suit higher
horsepower tractors.
“Wider tyres are becoming increasingly common on tractors,
to prevent wheel spin in high horsepower situations and/or to reduce
the risks of compaction,” explains Clive French from Kuhn
UK’s technical team. The LP bodies provide a solution across
the Kuhn plough range and feedback from the field has already been
very positive.”
Kuhn Launches Cover Crop Seeder At Cereals 2006
Kuhn Twin Disc Spreader First For Innovation
At LAMMA 2006
Feeder and Straw Chopper Demos at Beef Expo 2006
Extends Intermediate Disc Harrow Range
Accurate Spread Patterns at Axis of Kuhn
Fertiliser Spreader Range
Kuhn diet feeder improves yields and cow health