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Stackyard News Jun 06

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    Fancy A Date With A Vet?

Dates are things that grow on trees, or things you go out on with other people - unless you are in the pig industry when dates take on a whole new meaning.

british pig health scheme

The latest assessment dates for the British Pig Health Scheme are now available on the website of the British Pig Executive (BPEX) -
These are when pigs going through abattoirs in the scheme will be checked by vets for a range of conditions.

BPEX Strategy Co-ordinator Andrew Knowles said: "The scheme is proving to be vital for the industry. The aim is to improve herd health on a national basis and, in consequence, productivity to make sure the British pig industry has a sustainable and profitable future.

"The work so far done has been extremely valuable and the more we get the greater its value. The scheme now covers 70 per cent of assured herds. Last year we concentrated on gaining membership.

"This year we are looking more closely at how to interpret the information gained from the assessment days so we can get even more value out of it for all.

"Anybody not in the scheme can still join and, as all pigs are assessed, as long as they use an abattoir which is taking part in the scheme they can get all their historic results as well."

Anybody who would like to join should contact 01463 233184 or go to the BPEX website for more details.

link BPEX Competition Offers Pocket PC Computer and WinPig Software
link Get Your Pork Up To Spec
link Ladies In Pigs a Smash at Newark Show
link Arable Farming? Just Add Pigs!

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