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Stackyard News Aug 06

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Buckleys take Skipton Suffolks show championship

A son of the influential Perrinpit High Peak enabled the Sitlow Suffolk flock of Steven and Louise Buckley, of Sitting Low Farm, Doveholes, Buxton, Derbyshire, to continue its success in the show ring.



The Sitlow ram lamb was chosen as male and overall breed champion at the 32nd annual show and sale held on behalf of the Northern Counties of England Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society at Craven Cattle Marts’ Skipton Auction Mart. (Sat, Aug 5).

Out of a home-bred ewe by Conveth Motivator, the title winner went on to realise 720gns when purchased by the Buckleys’ near neighbour, Les Hadfield, of Chamber Farm, Peak Forest, who will use his latest acquisition for commercial shearling ram breeding.

With a more favourable genotype, the RQ ram could have vied for the top sale price. However, this honour went to the Flodden flock of Jonathon Hayward, of East Learmouth, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Northumberland, with a Castlewellan Lionheart son, one of the first prize pair, selling to the Isle of Man for 1,400gns, with its partner, by Alsnow Aristocrat, realising 450gns.

Mr Hayward was achieving further success at the high profile Skipton Suffolk fixture, having sent out the 2005 champion ram lamb, while the Buckleys’ Perrinpit High Peak was also responsible for the 2004 Skipton champion, exhibited by David Calvert, of Southfield Farm, West Marton. Perrinpit also sired a ram lamb which sold to Southern Ireland for 9,000gns at last month’s Suffolk Society show in Edinburgh.

Local farmer Mark Evans, of Tower Gate Farm, Steeton, presented the best ram lamb, again a winner in the pairs class, which sold for 460gns, while Janice Broughton, of Melton Constable, Norfolk, in her final sale prior to her dispersal this autumn, sold to a top price of 450gns, with a commendable average of over 350gns.

Trevor Vince’s journey from Anglesey was rewarded with the top shearling ram prize and a sale price of 520gns, while John Midgley, of Kirby Underdale, York, saw his second prize shearling top the section at 580gns.

The female championship was another closely contested local derby, with an ewe lamb from David Towell, of Lothersdale, eventually taking the honours from Mark Evans’ shearling ewe, before going on to land the reserve breed championship and selling for 440gns.

The show was sponsored by PNL animal health firm Pharmall Agriculture, of Killinghall, Harrogate The company’s Tom Darling, of Duns, Berwickshire, was also an successful exhibitor, with his first prize single ram lamb progressing to take the reserve male championship.

Show results:
Shearling Ewe - 1 M L Evans, 2 T A Blair, 3 D Towell.
Ewe Lamb - 1 D Towell, 2 G & A Fort, 3 G & J Soulsby.
Shearling Ram - 1 T J Vince, 2 J T Midgley, 3 Dr B Reeves.
Single Ram Lamb - 1 T Darling, 2 W H Clubley & Son, 3 Mrs J D Broughton.
Untrimmed Lamb - 1 S J Buckley, 2 G & A Fort, 3 J M Hayward.
Pair Ram Lambs - 1 J M Hayward, 2 L & L Peel, 3 J T Midgley.
Female Championship - D Towell, Reserve - M L Evans.
Male Championship - S J Buckley, Reserve -T Darling.
Breed Championship - S J Buckley, Reserve- D Towell.

Ewe Lambs to 440 gns (av £207), Shearling Ewes to 480gns (£281), Shearling Rams to 580gns (£446), Ram Lambs to 1,400gns (£375).

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link Act Now to Avoid Continued Double Tagging Risk
link Safeguard Productivity with Timely Ram MOT

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