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Stackyard News Oct 06

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Export Demand for Aberdeen-Angus Continues with Shipment to France

The strong export demand for Aberdeen-Angus cattle is continuing with the shipment this week of 16 heifers and a bull calf to found a new herd in the Anjou region of France.

The cattle have all come from the Black Watch herd of Mary Hamnett and Gordon Oliver at Upper Waterside, Disley, near Stockport, Cheshire.

The buyer is Vincent Degraux who plans to produce quality Aberdeen-Angus beef to supply high class restaurants in the Anjou region.

“This is a new venture and M Degraux was looking for traditional-type Aberdeen-Angus cattle which are easily maintained and managed and produce quality beef for a discerning market,” said Ms Hamnett.

The cattle left on Sunday and within 24 hours were happily grazing in their new home.

The heifers were sired by Walpole of Glaisdale, Crake Laser Z299 and The Moss Inverness B267 and were mostly in calf to a native-bred bull.

Ms Hamnett and Mr Oliver specialise in producing organic Aberdeen-Angus beef from their 45-cow herd on their high-lying all-grass Pennine farm.  Prime cattle are marketed through Dovecote Park Ltd for Waitrose. The herd was named Cheshire Beef Breed Herd of the Year in 2004 and Cheshire Organic Farm of the Year this year.

Since the lifting of the export ban earlier this year, Aberdeen-Angus cattle have been exported from the UK to Estonia, Germany, Romania, Switzerland and France.

link Eve-of-Sale Export Boost for Aberdeen-Angus Breed
link Outstanding Show Of Aberdeen-Angus Calves at Ireland's National Calf Show
link Aberdeen-Angus to 10,000gns at “Border Blacks” Sale
link Export Breakthrough as Aberdeen-Angus Shipped to Switzerland

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