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Stackyard News Oct 06

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Defending champions rule at Skipton gimmer lambs show

History repeated itself when all three show classes fell to the defending champions at the annual prize show and sale of gimmer lambs at Craven Cattle Marts’ Skipton Auction Mart. (Tues, Oct 3)

Trevor Stoney shepherds his Masham champions in the Skipton ring
Trevor Stoney shepherds his Masham champions in the Skipton ring

Dales farmer Kevin Huck, of G Huck & Sons, Knowle Bank, Bordley, retained the title in the horned lambs section – he also won it in 2003 – with a pen of ten Swaledale hoggs, which sold for the class-topping price of £78 per head to Mark Throup, of Malham Moor, who also purchased Kevin’s 2005 champions.

John Tennant, of Bordley, had a pen of Swaledales sell at £66, with Ian Wilson, of Winterburn, achieving a selling price of £60.

Richard and Patsy Hodgson, of Scale Hill Farm, Skipton, landed their third consecutive championship victory in the Continental-cross class with a pen of pure Texel and Texel-cross-Beltex lambs, selling for £46.50 apiece to John North, of Moss, Doncaster, also the buyer last year’s victorious pen.

Best of the Mashams once again was a pen of ten from the Nidderdale hills presented by Joe and Trevor Stoney, of White Wood Farm, Pateley Bridge, purchased for £58 each by John Thorpe, of Oughtibridge, Sheffield.

The Stoneys also had a pen sell at £54, while Kevin Wilson, Blubberhouses, and GF Harker & Son, Middlesmoor, both sold Masham pens at £51.

Best of the mules came from Michael Spence, of Silsden Moor, selling at £81 a head. Members of the Silsden-based Throup farming families had a field day, with pens selling as follows: Kenneth Throup £69, John and Alan Throup, both £68, Martin Throup £65, Geoff Throup £64 and Frank Throup £62.

link Ayrshire domination at Skipton Blue Texel show
link Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Show & Sale - Skipton
link Skipton Multi-Breeds Sheep Show Success

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