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Stackyard News Nov 06

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New Crop Opportunities goes live

New Crop Opportunities, the unique, electronic farm management aid, developed by BCPC and pre-launched at Cereals 2006 by Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Rt Hon James Paice MP, is now live on-line at (

New Crop Opportunities - in-depth, independent, information

New Crop Opportunities – in-depth, independent, information

It is a valuable business tool covering new opportunities for traditional crops, such as ethanol production from wheat, as well as a plethora of new crops coming onto the market for food, pharmaceutical and industrial use.

“Having used New Crop Opportunities I have found that it offers all those involved in agribusiness, especially farmers, advisers and the supply trade, with an excellent factual database. What is more, it is updated regularly with the latest developments – essential in this fast-changing area of agriculture,” explains Richard Marriage, independent agribusiness consultant for Richmond Consultancy Limited. “I believe that it will become the independent reference point for all those involved in growing, marketing and managing new crops.”

New Crop Opportunities describes more than 50 crop options, from amaranth and artichokes to willow and yew, which will be expanded as further data and uses are generated. As an on-line publication it is dynamic and interactive and its News area covers the latest events and trends. Mr Chris Todd, managing director of BCPC explains “There is no point in farmers and growers making a leap into the unknown without considering the risks and benefits and likely returns from a new crop. New Crop Opportunities will provide them with the independent information they need to make a sound business decision.”

New Crop Opportunities – in-depth, independent, information

New Crop Opportunities will enable farmers and growers to assess potential markets, crop agronomy, water and nutrient requirements and their likely impact on a farm’s labour and machinery. Many of the crops featured include a dynamic financial model, provided by farm business consultants Andersons, to give the farmer an indication of the likely returns. Further financial information will be added as it becomes available.

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link Crop Market Update

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