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Stackyard News Dec 06

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    Pig Industry Grants On Offer

A GRANT scheme for pig producers, processors, retailers and foodservice companies in England and Wales who want to improve their supply chains has re-opened for applications.


The Supply Chain Grant Scheme, on offer from the British Pig Executive (BPEX), is open to Individuals, partnerships, limited companies, co-operatives and collaborative groups.

Depending on the nature of the project, a maximum of 50% of the eligible costs can be grant-funded with the remainder from private sector sources. The grants themselves range between £5,000 and £20,000 per annum per project for a maximum of three years.

BPEX Consumer Marketing Manager Chris Lamb said: "The grant scheme has been running for several years and the early grants have produced some very good results for the industry.

"We have seen some innovative ideas which have borne fruit because of the scheme."

Applications must be returned no later than January 23 and for further information, to discuss the eligibility of a project or to request application forms contact Chris Lamb, on 01908 844194, or by email,

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