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The Arable Group's Outlook Conference 2007

Factors influencing future business prospects from both a local and global perspective will be addressed by leading agriculturists at the The Arable Group's bi-annual Outlook Conference next month.

A full house at the February 2005 conference

TAG Outlook Conference

'Managing change - rising to the post-SFP challenge', the conference will be held once again at Scotch Corner, North Yorkshire on February 8.

Presentations, from leading authorities within the industry at the conference, will include future prospects for UK crops, biofuels, environment and land use, profitable crop production and more.

Speakers include:

Ian Crute - Director of Rothamsted Research since 1999 gained a 1st class Hons degree in Botany and a PhD at University of Newcastle upon Tyne. His career has taken him through a number of research organisations including Warwick-HRI, a Fulbright research fellowship at the University of Wisconsin in Madison USA, Head of the Crop and Environment Protection Department at HRI East Malling, back to HRI-Wellesbourne as Head of Plant Pathology and finally Director at Wellesbourne.

Clare Wenner - Head of Transport Biofuels, Renewable Energy Association.  A graduate of Cambridge University, Clare worked for 10 years in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.  She then spent 10 years with a well-known lobbying company in London, specialising in agriculture, food and international trade issues and setting up the company’s operations in Brussels.  After four years as Corporate Affairs Director at Geest plc, Clare set up her own consultancy and now works for the Renewable Energy Association and British Sugar plc.

Carmen Suarez - NFU's Chief Economist. In her role she co-ordinates the work of the economic team, providing economic advice to NFU Officeholders and other members of staff on a wide array of issues. She acts as lead on issues related to market analysis, trade (including WTO), economic developments, and CAP prospects.  After a BSc in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Oviedo (Spain) and MA in European Economic Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium), Carmen proceeded to follow a PhD in Economics at the University of Nottingham (UK).

Andrew Wells - Principal Consultant, TAG Consulting 2004 Ltd.  Andrew joined ADAS in 1987 as an arable consultant in Lincolnshire following a degree in Agricultural Botany. He moved to Nottinghamshire in 1990 and now provides crop consultancy and business advice to clients across the East Midlands.  He has particular interests in combinable crop establishment techniques, the practical use of remote crop sensing and canopy management of combinable crops.  Andrew is also actively involved with the management of two family farming businesses in Lincolnshire, which allows him to maintain “hands on” involvement with crop production.

Guy Smith - farms 500 hectares of combinable crops on the north east Essex coast. The land is mainly grade 3 marine clay below sea level. The farm is officially the driest spot in the British Isles.  The area is recognised for its ecological importance. When applying for HLS a hefty bribe was offered by Natural England to convert the farm into rough grazing. This was refused. Instead a scheme combining productive arable farming and sound nature conservation was agreed. Guy Smith is Chair of Eastern Region NFU and the LEAF communications committee. He has undertaken two Nuffield Scholarships. He was named NFU Farming Ambassador of the year in 2004. He writes regularly in the press and was awarded PPA Columnist of the Year in 2003.

Colin McEwan - Colin studied at Aberdeen University from 1980 -1983.  He has spent his whole career within the farming sector, having six years experience of livestock marketing and valuation work with a firm of livestock auctioneers in southern Scotland.  He then spent 10 years with PIC where he held a number of senior management roles, including development of cost of production contracts with the supply chain and the acquisition of a major competitor. Colin joined Morley Research Centre in September 2002 as Commercial Director and led the merger with ARC to form The Arable Group. Since then, he has been responsible for the acquisition of the ADAS consulting business and the integration of the Silsoe Spray Applications Unit. He took up the role of Chief Executive Officer of the Group 14 months ago.

The event is open to all and the full agenda and booking details are available from TAG head office, on 01285 652184 or on the website

link The Arable Group's Outlook Conference 2007 - Report
link The UK Pesticide Guide 2007
link 'Better plants' investment is good news for farmers
link Crop Market Update

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