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Stackyard News Apr 07

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    Dairy Event 2007 scheduled for expansion

The Dairy Event, the two day business to business event reaching not only dairy farmers with 80% of the UK’s cows, but also progressive beef and sheep farmers, is scheduled to feature a series of new exhibits at its Stoneleigh Park, Coventry site on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September.

dairy event

In addition to a full range of features targeted at all sectors of the livestock industry, event organiser, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers will be launching a new telehandler and tractor loader demonstration and a working display on Farm Health Planning designed for both dairy and beef farmers and targeting fertility, lameness and mastitis. This venture will include the well established foot trimming demonstrations, now in their third year.

The Dairy Event will also see the return of the UK’s largest working demonstration of mixer wagons, the Forage for Livestock Exhibition featuring the popular soil surgery and silage clinic, Diversifarm for all those with an interest in farm diversification and renewable energy, Beef from the Dairy Herd and the MilkMade Exhibition focussing on dairy technology, processing and marketing.

“Our plans are well in advance to build on last year’s Dairy Event which featured 400 trade stands and attracted an increased farmer attendance despite the current trend within the industry, together with visitors and trade delegations from more than 30 countries,” comments RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington. “Dairy Event 2007 will offer opportunities not only for exhibitors to meet with dedicated dairy farmers, but those with an interest in modern efficient beef and sheep production.”

link The Dairy Event builds on success
link Sainsbury's milk price statement
link RABDF welcomes Tesco's milk price increase

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