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Stackyard News May 07

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    Milk price campaigner receives RABDF Princess Royal Award

David Handley has been presented with the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers’ Princess Royal Award by Her Royal Highness at Buckingham Palace on Thursday 10 May 2007. The honour was made for his outstanding services to the industry.

David Handley and his wife, Marilyn received the Princess Royal Award from Her Royal Highness

David Handley and his wife, Marilyn received the Princess Royal Award from Her Royal Highness

Mr Handley farms in partnership with his wife, Marilyn, a 290 acre unit carrying 100 pedigree Jerseys based at Monmouth, in south Wales. So far, he has dedicated almost 10 years to campaigning for better milk prices for dairy farmers and is synonymous throughout the UK and beyond with Farmers For Action (FFA).

“We were driven to launch FFA in 2000,” he explains. “Our dairy farming business, along with others’, was going through a tough time in the late 1990’s because, unlike pricing policy for some commodities, milk was and continues to be completely outwith our control. We were determined not to be driven out of business by processors and retailers who were taking a disproportionate amount of profit margin.”

Since then, David has campaigned tirelessly for the industry, while Marilyn has played a major role in the day to day management of the farm back home, as well as progressing and consolidating the business. David has developed strong working relationships with members of both the processing and retail sectors, together with a robust dialogue with RABDF, MPs, Government officials and European parliamentary representatives. “Throughout, my sole underlying objective has been to get a better deal for dairy farmers, and the campaign continues. The fact I have committed support from my wife, Marilyn makes it practically possible to work towards this common goal.”

RABDF chairman, Lyndon Edwards comments: “David Handley has given outstanding service to the dairy industry. His persistent campaigning has raised the plight of dairy farmers more than any other individual to the general public. He is passionate, focused, and charismatic and has played a significant role in negotiations between farmers, processors and retailers. He is a worthy winner.”

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