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Stackyard News May 07

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    NSA North Sheep 2007: gearing up for business

NSA North Sheep is expecting a turn out of more than 6,000 visitors, including delegations from 11 different countries, to its venue at North Hanging Wells, Eastgate in Weardale, Bishop Auckland, County Durham on Wednesday 6 June.


sheep judging

The NSA’s northern region’s one day bi-ennial event has attracted more than 180 trade stands along an event record of 40 breed societies and associations. The event will be officially opened by NSA chief executive, Peter Morris.

Ideas and information to help producers in their business making decisions will once again be delivered at a series of seminars focusing on topics ranging from getting to grips with the latest genetic developments, countryside management and sheep health. Event major sponsor, George F White will be staging a forum to discuss climate change at farm level, and the National Scrapie Plan Road Show will be providing an update on its progress.

New and emerging export market opportunities will be discussed at a breakfast seminar, while farmers will be able to field their questions on the future of sheep marketing to a panel of speakers at lunchtime Question Time.

NSA North Sheep will also feature a range of activities including the EBLEX live lamb selection, foot trimming and ram MOT demonstrations, the Intervet stock judging competition, sheep shearing and Intervet dog trials.

In addition, all visitors will have the opportunity to tour the host farm and learn more about the Skidmore family’s 4,000 ewe enterprise which is firmly focused on not only maximising output, but also maintaining the environment.

NSA North Sheep 2007 chairman, Hans Pörksen says: “We are offering a format which offers not only sheep farmers, but the entire industry the opportunity to learn more about the latest developments which will help them to plan their own business strategies in preparation for the full impact of the current regime come 2012. The event will provide our exhibitors with a shop window for the overseas delegations keen to do business, and for visitors from all stages of the production chain, the chance to catch up, share ideas and ultimately take home information to help improve their unit’s efficiency and profitability.”

For further information on NSA North Sheep 2007 please contact event organiser, Julie Sedgewick on 01388 664496.

link Stock Judges to Test Skills at NSA North Sheep 2007
link Business boosting export opportunities at NSA North Sheep
link Family Hosts Welsh Sheep 2007 with Pride

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