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Stackyard News Jun 07

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New Crop Opportunities

New Crop Opportunities, the electronic farm management aid, developed by the British Crop Production Council is now live on-line.

New Crop Opportunities

To date, more than a 1,000 users are taking advantage of the independent information it provides to help make the right decision to invest in new uses for traditional crops or to exploit alternative crops which may offer new ways to make money from farm land.

New Crop Opportunities describes over 60 crops from Amaranth and Artichoke to Willow, Woad and Yew as well as new uses for crops like wheat, barley, oats, sugar beet and oilseed rape.

“Although there is a wealth of advice available to growers and advisers about growing alternative crops, sorting the facts from the fiction is not only complex it is also time consuming,” says Chris Todd, managing director of BCPC.

“Gaining a balanced, unbiased perspective to help make the right decision to invest in any new crop has never been easy. But today, as most farmers have less thinking time because of fewer staff and the need to cope with burgeoning paper work, there’s no margin for error which makes any evaluation process more critical than ever,” says Mr Todd.

New Crop OpportunitiesNew Crop Opportunities is comprehensive, quick and easy to use. It will help growers and advisers track down buyers, suppliers and select a crop according to a farm’s location, soil type, water availability, pH and work load. Many of the crops featured also include a dynamic financial model providing an indication of the likely returns.

To help users obtain a regular update about what’s happening in the fast moving world of new crop opportunities including new markets, new uses and new technical information such as varieties and agronomy, New Crop Opportunities includes a news section which is updated regularly by an experienced agronomist.

Subscriptions start at £25 for 24 hour access; £50 for seven-day access and £150 for an annual subscription which will include regular updates and email alerts about new crop information.

To explore the value of New Crop Opportunities for yourself, see it on Stand TE6 at Cereals 2007.

link BCPC helping you to spray within the law
link The UK Pesticide Guide 2007
link Crop Market Update

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