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Administrative nightmare for fruit and veg growers to be consigned to history 14/06/07

Growers in England will no longer need the problematic fruit, vegetable and potato (FVP) authorisations when claiming payments under the single payment scheme, as part of a package of reforms agreed by EU agriculture ministers yesterday.


Defra ministers now have until the end of November to decide how and when they will introduce this change to the single payment scheme, which can take effect from January 1 2008.

The NFU is calling on Defra to make its decision as soon as possible to give the RPA sufficient time to introduce administrative changes and give growers more certainty over their land rental arrangements going into next year.

Further changes to the single payment scheme also mean that land used for the production of orchard crops will become eligible to support a claim for payment entitlements and also receive payment entitlements. The NFU anticipates Defra will consult the industry on the latter aspect of this measure.

NFU President Peter Kendall said: “The Council of Ministers’ decision on the reform of the fruit and vegetable regime means that the administrative nightmare for growers of fruit, vegetable and potato authorisations can be consigned to history. We will now be working with Defra to ensure that this measure and the others agreed in the package are introduced quickly and appropriately in England.”

Ministers also agreed that fruit and vegetable co-operatives in the UK will gain greater flexibility and their rules simplified to encourage producers to join. Producer organisations will also be able to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables targeted at children and benefit from additional support from the EU.

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