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Stackyard News Jun 07

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Longtown Primestock Sale

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 88 Prime cattle, 3 Young bulls, 26 OTM cattle, 1447 Spring lambs, 2699 hoggs and 3516 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 7th June, 2007.

longtown prime sheep

In the prime cattle section top price was 133.5p for a Limousin heifer from A & W J Taylor & Son, Dashwellgreen, others to 132.5p, 129.5p Hallburn, 129.5p, 128.5p, 127.5p Dashwellgreen, Charolais 125.5p Hallburn, Belgian Blue 131.5p Sceughdyke.

Limousin bullocks 132.5p Hallburn, 129.5p Faulding Cleugh & Dashwellgreen, 126.5p The Gill, Belgian Blues 132.5p Faulding Cleugh.

In the OTM section Hereford steers sold to 92.5p from Willow Hill, Cows to 90.5p for Limousin from Nunscleugh, Friesians 75.5p, 71.5p Low Moat, Charolais 82.5p Greystoke Castle, 72.5p Linbridgefordmill, Galloway 66.5p Selbystown.

Prime lambs were a larger, quality entry and with buyers keen, trade was excellent to average 130p overall. Top was 143p for Texel from C J Roots, Kilnfordcroft. Heavy lambs sold to £64.20 for Texels from J Marshall, Hermitage, £63.90 Glenzierfoot, £63.50 Broomhills. Suffolks £62.20 Cardew Hall, £59.20 Burnfoot on Esk, £58.70 Grainhead. Charollais £60.80 Glenzierfoot, £59.20 Newington, Bleu de Maines £53.20 Lawston, Beltex £54.40 Halfway House, Lleyns £49.20 Priorsford.

Light lambs were also in strong demand to average 127p to a top of 132.9p for Suffolks from Mossband House. Top price per head was £47.80 for Texels from Kimmeter Green, Suffolks £45.80 Sykehead, £44.40 Hawthorns, Charollais £46.20 Newington, Beltex £42.20 Hetherside, Greyfaces £38.80 Hawthorn, Blackfaces £34.80 Wallholm.

A similar show of prime hoggs again met a brisk demand for good meated sorts. Top price per head was £56.50 for Texel x from Gate & West Farms, £53.50 Sloda Hill, Hill Cheviots £51.80 Bloan, Suffolks £51.80 Sockbridge Hall, £51.20 Gate & West Farms, Bleu de Maines £50 Hilltop East, Charollais £50.20 Gate & West Farms, Greyfaces £52.80 Longstrumble, £50.20 Gate & West Farm, North Country Cheviots £50.20 Beechcroft, Blackfaces £50.80 Fawcettlees, Beltex £53.50 Hillside, Swaledales £43.80 Middle Newbiggen, Herdwicks £42.80 Shortrigg. Export hoggs sold to 126.6p for Texels from Sykehead with many quality pens between 110p and 120p.

Lightweight hoggs also good to sell to average 103p to a top of 121.9p for Cheviots from Hilltop East. Top price per head was £43.20 for North Country Cheviots from Harelaw Hole, Texels £42.70 Inglewood, Hill Cheviots £41.20 Glendearg, Blackfaces £38.80 Crowdieknowe, Swaledales £30 Wallholm, Herdwicks £33.50 Red House.

The cast ewes and rams were a larger entry with more buyers present. Trade was much sharper on the week to average £43.46. Top was £78.50 for heavy Texel ewes from Roadside, others £76.50 Ballyclare, with many others to £70. Suffolks £66.50 Kilnfordcroft, £63.50 Ballyclare, Suffolk x £65.50 Cardew Hall, £64.50 Newry, Rouges £71.50 Ballyclare, Charollais £70.50 Tobemore, Leicesters £54.50 Reaygarth, Halfbreds £56.50 Newry, Beltex £64.50 Ballyclare, North Country Cheviots £55.50 Newry, Greyfaces £46.50 Hermitage, £43.50 Ballinliss & Ellenbank, £41.50 Fern House, Cheviot Mules £45.50 Guillyburn.

Hill ewes £40.50 for Blackface from Derwent House & Lonks from Cleugh Head, Cheviots £38.50 Glendearg, Swaledales £37.20 Black House, £36.50 Temon & Reaygarth, Herdwicks £32.50 Shortrigg.

Rams to £68.50 for Suffolks from Reaygarth & Texels from Newry and Blindhillbush, Cheviots £66.50 Newry, Charollais £50.50 Newry, Leicesters £56.60 Randleholm, Beltex £55.50 Derwent House, Hampshire £52.50 Ballyclare, Blackface £45.50 Derwent House, Swaledales £34.50 Knarr.

Light to 1085p (107.0p)
Medium to 109.5p (102.9 p)
Heavy to 132.5p (115.7p)

Light to ------p (-------p)
Medium to 128.5p (117.5p)
Heavy to 133.5p (118.4p)

Young Beef Bulls to 97.5p ( 85.9p)

Light to 121.9p ( 95.4p)
Standard to 126.6p (107.0p)
Medium to 117.0p (104.8p)
Heavy to 117.8p ( 89.2p)
Shlgs to 90.8p ( 70.0p)

Light to 132.9p (125.2p)
Standard to 143.0p (131.4p)
Medium to 142.0p (129.1p)
Heavy to 132.1p (119.9p)
Others to 107.6p (106.3p)

Light to £40.50 (£28.85)
Heavy to £78.50 (£47.38)
Cast Rams £68.50 (£44.20)

link Longtown Primestock Sale - 31st May 2007
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 24th May 2007
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 17th May 2007
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 10th May 2007

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