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Stackyard News Aug 07

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Welcome for Co-op's Significant Milk Price Move

NFU Scotland has warmly welcomed a significant price rise by First Milk for its farmer-members. The co-operative has announced a two pence per litre rise with effect from 1 September.

milk cartons

NFUS President Jim McLaren said:

“This is a significant move and much more in keeping with the scale of rises we should be seeing at the moment. There is still a long way to go before the farmgate price truly reflects market realities but we are getting there in stages.

“This is a major psychological boost for First Milk’s loyal members who have stuck by their co-op through thick and thin. The co-op is taking a lead with price rises and this puts their members on a favourable footing when compared with other prices currently being paid to farmers.

“NFUS is maintaining pressure on the supply chain to deliver, especially in light of increasing production costs and the impact of the weather which has reduced milk production on-farm. Feed wheat prices have been rocketing with reports of prices hitting £145 a tonne for delivery into feed mills. That compares with just over £80 per tonne this time last year. It is therefore essential that the farmgate milk price rises substantially just to keep pace with these cost increases.”

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NFU Scotland