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Stackyard News Aug 07

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British Pig Meat Supplies Re-start

The announcement that licensed movement of pigs in England and Wales from farm direct to abattoir will be permitted from Midnight, Wed 8 August, was greeted as fantastic news by British Pig Executive Chief Executive Mick Sloyan.



Defra has announced that cattle, sheep and pigs outside the Foot and Mouth Surveillance and Protection Zones will be permitted to move direct to slaughter under a general license from Midnight. Livestock must travel direct from individual farms to authorised abattoirs and vehicles must be cleansed and disinfected before leaving the abattoir.

Mick Sloyan said: "this is great news for pig farmers and great news for consumers.

"It means the vast majority of pigs can move into the processing sector and relieve mounting pressure on farms.

"There is still a long way to go to get the market back to normal, but this is an important first step.

"We must not forget that we are still in a foot and mouth disease outbreak and I urge producers, transporters and abattoirs to remain extremely vigilant and to implement the highest standards of biosecurity."

Technical queries can be addressed by contacting the Defra helpline 08459 335577 or by contacting BPEX's Knowledge Transfer Team whose contact details can be found on the BPEX website.

link Movement to Slaughter Welcomed by EBLEX
link Statement from Hilary Benn in response to HSE initial report
link NFU, NSA, NPA, LAA and NBA Joint Statement on Animal Movements

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