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Stackyard News Aug 07

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NFU Encouraged by EU Export Ban Decision

The prospect of a relatively early partial lifting of the EU export ban has been brought closer by the EU Commission’s decision to carry out a review of the situation within weeks.


The export ban will remain in place until August 25 but a review will be undertaken by the EU’s Standing Committee on Food Chain and Animal Health on August 23 and a new decision could be taken then.

NFU President Peter Kendall said: “We are encouraged that dates have been set to review the situation regarding the export ban and that new decisions could be possible within the next few weeks.

The decision clearly demonstrates the EU’s confidence in the measures that have already been taken to control the disease and we will continue to do everything we can to get low risk status and exports to the EU back on track. Given the correct risk assessment we would like to see as wide an area of the country as possible recognised by Europe as low risk.”


The EU Commission press release regarding the meeting is available on the Europa website.

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