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Stackyard News Aug 07

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CLA Relief at Latest FMD Outbreak Scare

The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) has expressed relief after initial tests for the third suspected foot and mouth outbreak outside the current control zones have proved negative today (Friday 10 Aug).


David Fursdon, CLA president said: "This latest news will come as a huge relief to worried farmers who are more than aware how fast such a virulent disease can spread. The CLA is advising farmers and land managers to remain extremely vigilant, this action combined with biosecurity measures remains absolutely paramount for early containment of the disease.

"With the lengthy incubation period of up to fourteen days for FMD, new cases will not necessarily be a surprise but we still have every hope that the outbreak can remain localised.

"The CLA is part of the daily bird table talks with Defra officials and have worked with them at every stage of the disease. We will be updating our members as the situation develops" concluded Mr Fursdon.

link Third Case of FMD Suspected: Temporary control zone established in Surrey
link NFU Encouraged by EU Export Ban Decision
link Natural England Statement on Foot and Mouth Disease and Public Access

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