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Stackyard News Aug 07

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NFU Maps Out Foot and Mouth Road to Recovery

The NFU has welcomed the announcement by the Chief Veterinary Officer of further relaxations in movement controls and a timetable for lifting the FMD restrictions saying they are crucial, both in alleviating current problems and allowing the industry to plan ahead.


beef cattle

NFU President Peter Kendall said: “The publication of this timetable will enable farmers, processors and indeed the whole industry to plan their marketing in a more consistent way over the coming weeks. It is vitally important we get the markets back to normal and exports resumed as soon as possible.

“If all goes to plan we will see collection centres up and running by the end of next week and livestock markets reinstated in early September.

“The economic impact inflicted by this outbreak will still be significant but these announcements will certainly help to limit the damage. If we are able to lift restrictions, little more than five weeks after the initial outbreak, it will be a remarkable achievement.

“The fact the CVO has been able to make this announcement is a tribute to both the speed and determination with which this outbreak has been tackled, and the very close co-operation between Government and key industry bodies including the NFU. I would like to congratulate the whole industry and Defra on working together to achieve this goal.

Provided there are no further outbreaks, and all other things being equal, the timetable sets out the following key milestones:

  • August 16: Movements on welfare grounds to be allowed within holdings up to a distance of 3 km
  • August 23: Movements allowed within holdings up to a distance of 3km for any reason
  • August 23: Collection centres permitted to ease movements of livestock to abattoirs (this will be of particular value to smaller farmers)
  • August 23: EU committee meets to consider possible easing of export restrictions
  • August 24: Lifting of Protection Zone in Surrey
  • August 26: First possible date for easing of export ban, possibly to allow exports of meat and livestock products from outside the Surveillance Zone
  • September 9: Lifting of Surveillance Zone
  • September 10: Lifting of all remaining restrictions on livestock movements, complete lifting of export ban and resumption of livestock markets
  • Early November: UK’s FMD-free status restored by OIE

link New Foot and Mouth Disease Scare in Kent
link FMD Restrictions Continue to Unwind but Vigilance Still Key
link The Glorious 13th - A Shot in the Arm for the Rural Economy

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