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Stackyard News Sep 07

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Further Boost to Farmers’ Milk Price

Two further farmgate price rises have been announced and welcomed this week by NFU Scotland.


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First Milk, the UK’s largest co-operative, has announced a further rise of 2.5 pence per litre (ppl) from 1 October taking its standard price to 23.1ppl. It anticipates a further 2ppl rise from 1 November. Milk Link has announced a 4.6ppl increase taking its price for a standard litre to 24ppl, also from 1 October.

These announcements follow confirmation last week that Wiseman will be paying its suppliers 25.7ppl from next month.

Reacting to the news, NFUS Milk Committee Chairman Willie Lamont said:

“These are further significant steps towards a profitable future for the Scottish dairy industry. We are now seeing a step-change in prices paid to farmers, it is just sad that it has taken the threats of milk shortages and the loss of world class dairy farms to take us to this point.

“The milk price is moving on an almost daily basis with few willing to predict where the ceiling will be. Investment on most dairy farms has been stalled for years and we are now facing the rocketing price of animal feed. The move towards a price which starts reflecting those costs is long overdue and the upward momentum must be maintained.”

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NFU Scotland