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Stackyard News Sep 07

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Some Relief as Animals Allowed to Move Within Farms

NFU Scotland has welcomed with relief the granting of a further relaxation on foot and mouth movement controls. The latest move allows animals to move within the same farm business, subject to a distance limit of eight kilometres.



NFUS president Jim McLaren said:

“This is a desperately needed relaxation which we raised again yesterday with government and vets. We have animals calving that need to be moved or breeding animals that simply need to be taken over the road. There will be some relief amongst farmers that they can now do these kinds of moves, subject to the distance limit.

“We are working flat out with Government, vets and other industry bodies to get the industry out of this current crisis. That includes pushing for other vital movement relaxations, in particular those from farm to farm and I would hope for some good news on that front in the coming days, providing the disease situation doesn’t take a turn for the worse

“Clearly, markets and auctions are critical to the Scottish livestock sector. We need a mechanism which gives farmers an opportunity for a fair price and to get critical cashflow back into businesses.

“It should go without saying that if we could have markets back operating as normal now we would jump at it. However, the Chief Vet has made it clear from the outset to us and all other stakeholders that markets are viewed as one of the highest risk activities. Given that background, the next approach is to move quickly in stages, perhaps initially with a prime stock market but with the option for farmers to take stock home if they are not satisfied on price. It would at least be a step towards marketing normality.”

link FMD Pressure on Livestock Farmers Intolerable
link NFUS Proposes Options to Alleviate FMD Crisis
link Keeping Updated on Foot and Mouth News


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NFU Scotland