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Lothian and Borders Farmers Invited to Participate in New Arable Monitor Farm 09/11/07

Higher grain prices bring optimism to arable farming but new challenges arise: rising costs, volatile grain markets and managing the environment.

John Deere Combine

John Deere Combine

Now farmers and those in allied trades who want to address these challenges are being invited to participate in an exciting new Monitor Farm project. Anyone interested in finding out more about the project should attend the first meeting on 20th November at 1.30pm at Woodhead Farm, Gifford, East Lothian courtesy of farmer, Mr Hugh Broad.

The project at Woodhead is one of the first two ARABLE Monitor Farm projects in Scotland and is supported by HGCA, in partnership with the Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise and facilitated by SAC.

The purpose of this first meeting is to explain to local farmers how the Monitor Farm will work, describe and see the farm and get feedback on the main topics that are of importance to their businesses and that they think the project should address.

Project facilitator, Chris McDonald, Senior Agricultural Consultant, SAC said:

“The main aim of the Monitor Farm project is to help arable farmers in the area to improve the performance of their farm.

“Farmers coming along to the meeting will have the opportunity to join the ‘Monitior Farm group’ which will meet regularly at the farm over the next three years and will contribute to decisions on the farm strategy and provide innovative ideas for the farm.

“New ideas and practices put forward by the group will be tried and tested at Woodhead. The objective is that the farmers in the group will be inspired to make similar changes to their systems.

“This is an exciting opportunity for arable businesses to determine and tackle their costs of production and to manage the marketing of their crops more effectively.”

All are welcome to attend. However, to help with arrangements for the day those planning to come along should contact the facilitator, Chris McDonald, SAC, Bush Estate. T: 0131 535 3430, E:, F: 0131 535 3431

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