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Stackyard News Dec 07

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Relief as Ewe Payment Set to Hit Bank Accounts

NFUS has reacted with relief to the Scottish Government’s news that the much-anticipated ewe-headage payment will be arriving in farmers’ bank accounts within the next few days.

Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland
Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland

Scottish Government officials have been waiting for the details of the scheme to be published on the official EU website thus giving the legal approval for payments to be made.

The £6 per ewe payment will be paid to all sheep producers in Scotland who entered breeding ewe numbers in their 2006 IACS form. The scheme was the largest part of the £25 million-aid package for Scottish farmers announced by the Cabinet Secretary in November.

Reacting to the announcement, NFUS Livestock Committee Chairman, Kelvin Pate said:

“This money is absolutely essential and comes at a time of unprecedented hardship for Scotland’s sheep industry. The effects of lost export markets through Foot and Mouth Disease movement restrictions during our main sheep harvest period have been devastating. The Scottish Government’s recognition of the urgency of this situation is very welcome.”

Speaking from Edinburgh, NFUS President, Jim McLaren added:

“We continue to pursue the UK Government for full compensation for Scottish farmers affected by the 2007 Pirbright Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak. The agricultural industry has carried the financial can for Government over this and nothing short of full compensation for these losses will be acceptable.

“The Scottish Government has done what it can and we greatly appreciate the efforts it has made for the sheep sector. We continue to work with them to find a solution for the equally hard-pressed pig sector, which is also facing the prospect of financial meltdown over the increased costs associated with the FMD outbreak.”

  • The £6 per ewe payment will be paid into bank accounts on 10 and 11 December.

link NFUS Urges Prompt LFASS Payments Despite SRDP Delay
link NFUS Tells Lords of Long-Term CAP Vision
link Natural England calls for a greener CAP


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NFU Scotland