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Stackyard News Jan 08

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English Beef Gets Italian Accolade

English beef will be top of the bill at a major Italian show where England is a special guest country and given extra prominence.

Identità Golose

Identitá Golose in Milan includes participation from Heston Blumenthal, Sat Bains and Shane Osborn.

A technical presentation of the unique features of English beef will be accompanied by demonstrations by chefs Philip Cranston and Andrea Berton at a special event at the four-day fair which starts on January 27.

EBLEX Export Manager Jean-Pierre Garnier, said: "We are extremely privileged to be given such a high accolade at this prestigious event.

"Italian journalists and decision-makers will be given a technical briefing that will include the specific protocols English producers use for the perfect steak for the Italian market. They will also be able to sample the product.

"This event is an important step for us to rebuild confidence in this important market after the 2007 FMD crisis".

* In 2006 46,000 tonnes of fresh and frozen beef was exported from the UK, of which 3,100 tonnes (6.7%) went to Italy.

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link Shoppers Pay for Provenance, says EBLEX

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