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Stackyard News Feb 08

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    NFU Scotland Grain Contract and Risk Management Seminars

Following a harvest where many Scottish growers failed to take full advantage of rising grain prices and where a lack of understanding of contracts lead to disputes with buyers, NFUS Scotland is holding three seminars for its members on contracts, arbitration and risk management.

The seminars are to take place on:

  • 25 February 2008 at The Barn & Bushel, Thainstone Centre, Inverurie, 1015 -1330,
  • 27 February 2008 at the Stair Arms, Pathhead, 1745-2100, and
  • 28 February 2008 at The Swallow Hotel, Dundee, 1000-1315

combine harvester

Speakers are to include Peter Brown, Chartered Arbitrator, Accredited Mediator and Contracts Consultant of Peter Brown Associates; Archi Lamont Grain Manager - Forth Ports, Scotland, Grainfax Ltd, and Chairman of the AIC Contracts Committee and Julian Bell, Rural Business Consultant, SAC Rural Business Unit and former Chief Economist of the HGCA.

NFU Scotland Combinable Crops Committee Chairman, John Picken, said:

“Grain prices have hit record highs yet the average price that Scottish growers received for their crops in 2007 was much lower.   The reason for that is simple - they sold their crops forward before prices began to rise.

“Those who used risk management tools effectively did much better.   Many of those who did not were on the phone asking if there was anything that could be done about their fixed price grain contracts.

“With world grain stocks hitting new lows there is no sign that volatility in markets is dissipating, so growers need to get used to using the tools that are available to manage price risks.   They can also use these tools to protect themselves against other business risks.

“The three speakers at the seminars have a huge depth of knowledge in these subjects.   Attendance at the seminars offers an ideal way for arable farmers to learn more about these subjects and in this way save their businesses thousands of pounds.

“I urge my fellow growers to take advantage of this opportunity.”

  • To book a place to attend any of the three workshops, please contact NFUS Head Office on 0131 472 4023 or email

  • Details of the three seminars are as follows:

    • Monday 25 February 2008
      - The Barn and Bushel, Thainstone Centre, Inverurie, AB51 5XZ

      10:15  Coffee and Registration
      10:30 Chairman's Introduction - John Picken
      10:35  Contracts - Growers' rights and obligations - Peter Brown
      11:25  Arbitration - Archi Lamont
      12:15  Risk Management - Julian Bell
      13:05  Panel Q&A
      13:30  Lunch and Close

    • Wednesday 27 February 2008
      - The Stair Arms, Pathhead, EH37 5TX

      17:45  Coffee and Registration
      18:00 Chairman's Introduction - Alan Goodson
      18:05  Contracts - Growers' rights and obligations - Peter Brown
      18:55  Arbitration - Archi Lamont
      19:45  Risk Management - Julian Bell
      20:35  Panel Q&A
      21:00  Close

    • Thursday 28 February 2008
      - The Swallow Hotel, Dundee, DD2 5JT

      10:00  Coffee and Registration
      10:15 Chairman's Introduction - John Picken
      10:20  Contracts - Growers' rights and obligations - Peter Brown
      11:10  Arbitration - Archi Lamont
      12:00  Risk Management - Julian Bell
      12:50  Panel Q&A
      13:15  Lunch and Close

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NFU Scotland