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Stackyard News Apr 08

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New Mobility Monitor On Offer from NMR

NMR is adding a mobility monitoring option to its web based Herd Companion system from April. This will be available to its customer base – that includes 60% of UK dairy cows – free of charge.


dairy cows

“We are aware of the growing need for simple yet effective mobility monitoring systems on farm to ensure that measures taken to reduce the prevalence of lameness are having the desired effect” says NMR’s development manager Ben Bartlett.

“Producers using the Herd Companion system, either themselves or through a third party such as their vet or adviser, can download and print out a mobility scoring sheets with line numbers of all their cows.

“The system then allows the scoring of cows in line with the new national mobility scoring method developed by industry organisations including the Tubney Foundation and the University of Bristol.”

Using this standard approach, cows will be scored from zero (not lame) to three (severely lame). Data is then entered via the website by the farmer or a third party and is then displayed in both tabular and graphical form through the Mobility Monitor section on Herd Companion enabling trends to be followed at the herd and individual cow level.

“The producer, herdsman or foot trimmer can use the system to monitor mobility at whatever frequency is required to give an up-to-date report on lameness,” adds Mr Bartlett.
Estimates put the cost of lameness to the UK dairy industry at £150 million a year or £100 a case. “To reduce this, and minimise the incidence of lameness in the herd, producers should consider a more routine mobility recording system.”

NMR’s new Mobility Monitor will be demonstrated at the National Cattle Mobility Event being held at Harper Adams University College on Sat 19 April.

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