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SAC Partnership Provides World Class Resources for Livestock Sciences in Scotland 10/04/08

SAC has joined a world class consortium of leading animal science researchers at the Easter Bush Research Consortium (EBRC), which was launched earlier this week.

Professor Bill McKelvey, SAC Chief Executive and Principal

Professor Bill McKelvey, SAC Chief Executive and Principal

The EBRC will enhance Scotland’s world leading status in animal science by providing a unique blend of scientific expertise with intellectual critical mass and state-of-the-art facilities to address major issues in animal bioscience for the benefit of animals and humans.

Joining the Consortium will further strengthen SAC’s activities to bring practical benefits to farmers and consumers by working more closely with the other Consortium partners. SAC has an extensive research programme including avian sciences, animal genetics, behaviour and welfare, livestock systems, epidemiology and economics. SAC’s research is multidisciplinary. We already work closely with our EBRC partners, for example in the development and promotion into practice of genetic selection indexes which have been developed between SAC, the University of Edinburgh and the Roslin Institute.

Professor Bill McKelvey, SAC Chief Executive and Principal speaking at the launch, drew attention to a number of increasingly important issues in society including the food supply agenda, climate change, and animal health and welfare.

Professor McKelvey commented, “This Consortium will herald in a new era of research and cooperation for SAC. This consolidation of effort can only benefit Scotland’s land owners, farmers and the public. SAC is actively researching epidemiology, looking at the effects of climate change on diseases, in particular the potential spread of Foot and Mouth Disease and the Blue Tongue virus. SAC is also undertaking essential research work in other areas vital for farmers, such as practical assessments of livestock welfare and identifying the prevalence of E. coli.”

Professor John Oldham, Head of Research & Development at SAC said, “The formation of this Consortium is good news for Scotland, and emphasises our position as a world class livestock research centre. Members of the Consortium are already leading the way in the application of genetics in livestock improvement, the enhancement of animal welfare and the control of animal diseases. By bringing together scientists with strengths in both the basic and applied disciplines SAC, and the EBRC partners, will be in an even stronger position to enhance the lives of animals and the people who work with them.”

The EBRC is comprised of SAC, the Roslin Institute, the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and the Moredun Research Institute and will bring together four of Scotland’s leading livestock research organisations.

link Easter Bush Research Consortium to Tackle Key Animal Health Concerns
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