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Stackyard News Jan 09

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    New Website Keeps Oilseed Growers in the Know

A new look website which is fully focused on meeting the needs of oilseed rape growers has this month been launched by United Oilseeds.

united oilseeds

The new website has been given a fresh new appearance and has been designed to make it much easier to navigate. “The new site has adopted a more dynamic interface which allows farmers to keep up to date with all the latest market trends and agronomic developments,” said Chris Baldwin, managing director.

“All of the popular sections such as United Oilseeds’ contract options, details of our exclusive seed portfolio and the latest industry news have been retained from the original website. In addition, we have also added a number of new sections that provide up to date information on current market and trading conditions as well as the latest developments from within the oilseeds industry.”

A dedicated member specific area provides additional information to the company’s 3000 trading members, as well as various farmer aids and tools such as daily market updates, a seed-rate reckoner and an interactive gross margin calculator. The website’s content will continue to expand as new blogs and advice columns are added on an ongoing basis.

“Our main aim when re-designing the website was to ensure that the information contained within it was useful, relevant and always up-to-date,” Mr Baldwin explains. “The growing importance of the internet and new media means that it is essential for us to have a fully functional website. The new site demonstrates the way we want to engage with our members now and in the future, and shows our commitment to our members’ best interests” he concludes.

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United Oilseeds

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