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Charolais Bulls Meet Explosive Trade at Perth Sale

Charolais met an explosive trade in Perth on Wednesday 18 February, where bidding peaked at an equal centre record of 55,000gns and a new all Continental beef breeds average of £6,062 was established for 195 lots traded, a figure representing a 93% clearance.

Sportsman Columbo - 55,000 guineas

Sportsman Columbo

The event marked a fitting end to the major pedigree beef fixtures at the centre where Charolais has reigned supreme with the highest number of all breeds of bulls sold and with the accompanying top average.

A total of 7,691 Charolais bulls have come under the hammer selling for the highest average of £3,883 during the Perth Huntingtower centre’s 19 year span at the breed society’s official fixtures within the multi-beef breed weeks staged in February and October. In addition, Charolais holds the centre breed record of 55,000gns on two occasions.

“The event attracted what amounted to be the hottest trade ever at a UK centre and confirmed yet again Charolais’ leading role in the beef sector,” commented the British Charolais Cattle Society chairman, Iain Millar. “Breeders offered bulls to suit all pockets to buyers at the crammed ringside who travelled from as far a field as Orkney to Cornwall to take home a slice of the action which reflected the true demand for Charolais cross cattle in the commercial marketplace. Charolais crosses are not only continuing to demonstrate that unbeatable weight for age and superb rearing efficiency, but they are also enabling finishers to exploit their true genetic potential by taking them to heavier carcase weights in the unrestricted market. Consequently, Charolais is leaving enviable rewards for both suckler producer and finishers.”

UA auctioneer, David Leggat added: “We’re thrilled, absolutely delighted. This was one of the best entries of quality cattle forward which attracted leading commercial beef producers prepared to pay 5,000gns, 10,000gns or more for a bull, a trend that reflects today’s finished and cull cow marketplace. To attract another 55,000gns call was the icing on the cake.”

The day’s top 55,000gns call was made for Sportsman Columbo TI +29, SRI +38, a 19 month old first prize winner from the Cheshire based Boden and Davies partnership, Mellor, Stockport. The hotly tipped Columbo comprised a superb blend of genetics; he the first son in ring by the match priced 55,000gns Thrunton Voldemort, and he was out of a homebred cow by the 26,000gns Perth champion, Ugie Legend, while her great granddam was the 28,000gns female record holder, DeCrespigny Debutante. Tipping the scales at 1,095kg, Columbo had a 400 day weight within the breed’s top 1%.
“Fantastic, we’re thrilled to bits,” commented Charlie Boden. “We knew Columbo was very special from day one because of the strength of his combined genetics; he goes back to DeCrespigny lines which have consistently bred cattle with scale, scope and style, and are bedrock of our 70 cow herd.” Columbo is scheduled to work across two herds with a total of 110 pedigree cows after being secured in a two way bid between Gilbert Crawford, of Maghera, Derry and breed newcomer, Joe Wilson, Newry, County Down. “This bull has got to be the best I’ve seen in the 50 years I’ve been travelling to Perth,” said Mr Crawford. “He’s got something about him; muscle and power combined with style and class. The fact he’s by Voldemort made him that little bit more appealing.”

The event witnessed the much awaited arrival of the first sons by Thrunton Voldemort who was purchased by Mr Boden and Flintshire vet, Esmor Evans, Mold, in a two way split for a new 55,000gns centre breed record back in February 2006. Mr Boden’s other two Voldemort sons sold to average 6,500gns, while Mr Evans’ three entries levelled at 6,000gns.

Maerdy Championlad - 28,000 guineas

Maerdy Championlad

Esmor Evans’ much admired Maerdy Championlad TI +32, SRI +36 attracted the event’s second highest call of 28,000gns from Columbo’s under bidders, Swalesmoor Charolais, Eaglesfield, Dumfries. This 18 month old first class prize winner with a TI and SRI within the breed’s top 10%, was by Vald’or-ra and out of a homebred dam by the noted cow Maerdy Grimaldi. “Championlad is just very correct throughout; power, tremendous quality, great legs, a lovely character and with good figures to match,” summed up herd manager, Iain Campbell. In fact, Swalesmoor invested virtually all their day’s takings in the one entry to join their 40 cow herd. Their topper at 8,000gns to Major David Walter, Balthayock, Perth was Swalesmoor Cracker TI +63, SRI +72, the highest Breedplan recorded entry in the catalogue. He was a September 2007 born son by the 34,000gns Perth champion, Goldies Uppermost and out of Blelack Viola, a son of the 25,000gns Perth champion, Thrunton Socrates.

Thrunton Crownprince - Overall Supreme Champion

Thrunton Crownprince

The Campbell family, Ian and John and their father, Colin, Thrunton, Alnwick continued their winning success by lifting the overall supreme championship for the sixth time in 15 years, on this occasion with the aptly named Thrunton Crownprince TI +31, SRI +40. This 19 month old who was initially awarded the intermediate championship before going all the way, caught judge, John Campbell’s eye shortly after he came into the ring. “I found two tremendous bulls in the one class, however it was Crownprince who stood out in the first turn around; he demonstrated the real qualities of a Charolais bull – he had power, strength and volume; he really filled the eye.” Crownprince was also among the Campbells champion group of three.

For the Campbells, the fixture marked yet another memorable occasion which witnessed them selling their entire string of 15 entries forward to average close on 7,000gns. “We’re really delighted as a family to be taking the silverware back home to Northumberland,” commented Ian, “We’re also pleased to see Thrunton’s genetics continuing to perform well for other Charolais breeders.”

Crownprince is by Burradon Talisman and a paternal brother to Thrunton Voldemort, while he is the first bull calf out of a homebred dam going back to the 25,000gns Perth supremo, Mowbraypark Orlando who has bred three out of the Campbell’s supreme champions. Crownprince who was within the breed’s top 1% on 400 day weight and SRI at +46, and top 10% TI at +31, was secured for 20,000gns, the day’s third highest call, by John Wilson and Sons who run the 60 pedigree cow Kinclune herd at Glenkindie, Alford.

The Campbells went on to offer their next best at 12,000gns twice. First to go was Thrunton Condor TI +20, SRI +25, a Solwayfirth Union son and out of a homebred dam by Maerdy Location. He went to run with Jim Warnock’s suckler herd based at Broughton, Biggar.

The Campbells second 12,000gns bid went to Thrunton Classic TI +22, SRI +30 an 18 month old first prize winner by Talisman and out of a homebred cow by Mortimers Politican. He sold to Peter Howells, Llanwenog, Llanybydder to join the Pedr and Gwenog herds amounting to 45 cows and which he manages with his father, John.

Earlier on in the day, Peter Howells went along way to recouping his spend when he sold the 20 month old Gwenog Captain TI +25, SRI +33, for 10,000gns to James Forbes and his sons, Hamish and Euan, to run with their 30 cow pedigree herd and 400 sucklers based at Nairn. It was Captain who 24 hours earlier had been cited by judge, John Campbell as the second ‘tremendous’ bull in the showring and he followed Thrunton Crownprince all the way through the lines to stand in reserve intermediate position and finally take the overall reserve supreme championship. “I was chuffed to bits, if not just a little surprised,” said Peter who in the last six years has made several successful 900 mile round trips from Ceredigion to Perth including with Pedr Thumper, who was the same way bred as Captain, he stood in exactly the same overall reserve championship slot and made 31,000gns. Captain was by the 16,000gns Blelack Tycoon and out of a homebred dam by the 18,000gs Derryharney Outstanding.

Peter Howells’ next best at 8,500gns was Gwenog Champion, another 20 month old Blelack Tycoon son and out of a Derryharney Outstanding sired dam. The buyers were Messrs Brewis, Chester Hill, Belford.

Peter Heath, Hartfield, East Sussex was enjoying his best ever day at Perth in more than 20 years of regularly making the 1,000 mile plus round trip. Leading lot at 20,000gns was Sackville Casanova TI +34, SRI +40, a 19 month old by Balthayock Longbow and out of a homebred dam going back to DeCrespigny Regent. He was secured by John Jeffrey, Kersknowe, Kelso to run with his 60 cow herd. “Longbow is a very well fleshed bull with a very good back end and coupled with phenomenal figures,” said Mr Jeffrey. His Terminal Index, Self Replacing lndex and his Calving Ease Direct EBV were all within the breed’s top 5%.

Mr Heath’s one and only other entry, Sackville Claudius TI +40, SRI +47, a 16 month old youngster and first class prize winner made 18,000gns in a two way split to father and son team, Drew and Bob Adam, Newhouse of Glamis, Glamis, Perthshire and Bill Bruce, Balmyle, Meigle. Claudius was a straight replacement for his maternal brother, Sackville Adonis who was secured for 14,000gns by the same partners and recently suffered an accident while working in their combined herds of 130 cows. “Adonis’s progeny are doing well, four lots have sold to average around the 8,000gns mark today, so we agreed to invest in Claudius; he has size, shape and accompanying good figures.”

The Adams highest entry at 9,000gns was the first class prize winner, Newhouse Challanger TI +28, SRI +32, to Bob Leggat, New Pitsligo, Aberdeen. This Adonis son was out of a homebred cow by the 28,000gns Perth champion, Brampton Nacodar.

Heading a string of entries from Neil Massie and his son, Graeme, Dinnet, Aboyne was Blelack Crusader TI +41, SRI +51, a June 2007 born Thrunton Socrates son and out of a homebred dam by Blelack Percy. He made 13,000gns to Jan Boomars, Woldingham, Sussex.

Another Socrates from the same breeders, this time the 19 month old Blelack Colonel TI +36, SRI +37, out of a homebred cow by Balthayock Lombardo made 12,000gns to Adrian Ivory, Meigle, Perth.

The final of four, 12,000gns calls was made by Messrs Fraser and Sons, Glenlivet, Ballindalloch for Derryharney Carryon, a 19 month old Glenbridge Andrew son and out of a homebred dam going back to Simpsons Gregg. Bred and the Harold Stubbs, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh, Carryon was no stranger to the ring having been awarded intermediate and overall reserve male championships at the NI Charolais Show, Fintona.

Dundas Condor TI +41, SRI +49, the sole entry from JM Gilchrist, Crawford, Biggar made 10,000gns to Greig (Farms), Gateside, Fife. Condor was by Kelton Trident and out of a homebred dam going back to Roscrea.

Selling with another 10,000gns price tag was Glenericht Champ TI +25, an August 2007 born entry from WK and P Drysdale, Blairgowrie, Perth. Sired by Balnuith Valour, he sold to I Mitchell, St Andrews, Fife.

Kevin Thomas was another Welshman who was enjoying his best ever 900 mile round trip to Perth in its 19 year history. On Tuesday, he collected his first ever championship title by heading the senior section with Moelfre Chicago TI +32, SRI +35, a rising two year old by Major and out of a Ffynnon cow who goes back to Moelfre Nest, one of the herd’s 90 breeding cows based at Newcastle Emlyn. Chicago was bid to 8,500gns by Messrs Renwick, Dundonnell, Ross-shire.

Mr Thomas went one better with the 18 month old Moelfre Capital TI +27, SRI +33, when he made 9,500gns to Messrs Millar, Tealing, Dundee. Capital was a Gretnahouse Vigorous son and out of a homebred cow by Blelack Ladysman. Later in the day, one of Drew and Bob Adams’ Adonis’s sons caught Kevin Thomas’s eye; he went on to pay 8,500gns for Newhouse Chicago TI +33, SRI +37, a 19 month old whose homebred dam goes back to 24,000gns Mowbraypark Torpedo.

Hamish Goldie, Ruthwell, Dumfries once again turned out a consistent string of quality entries with nine lots selling to virtually match the sale’s overall average at £6,042. Leading the line up at 9,500gns was Goldies Concord TI +40, SRI +48, an 18 month old by the 10,000gns Balthayock Ulex and out of Goldies Veil, full sister to the 34,0000gns Perth supremo, Goldies Uppermost and who goes back to the 16,000gns Perth champion, Maerdy Naser. Concord went home with Mountquhanie Farms, Cupar, Fife.

Twenty four hours earlier, Mr Goldie found himself in reserve junior slot, the exact same position as 12 months earlier, this time with Goldies Crackerjack, a 16 month old youngster by Goldies Vicechancellor, a full brother to Uppermost and out of a homebred dam sired by Derryharney genetics. Crackerjack made 6,500gns to Messrs Barclay and Sons, Garvock, Laurencekirk.

The first of four entries to come under the hammer sold for 9,000gns was Edenhurst Colorado TI +27 from Peter Vasey, Wetheral, Carlisle to Nether Balfour, Drumoak, Banchory. This rising two year old by Doonally New, was out of a homebred dam goes back to Billingley lines.

Next at 9,000gns was Ronnie Baillie’s (Toab, Orkney), Baillieston Calypso TI +39, a 20 month old Dingle Hofmeister son and out of a Moyness President sired homebred cow. He returned to Orkney with Messrs Johnston, Shapinsay.

Yorkshire breeders, Mike and Margaret Atkinson, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon were in the money when they offered their Mowbraypark Conqueror at 9,000gns to Messrs Leiper, Ponteland, Newcastle. Their 17 month old was by the noted Killadeas Jack son sired Mowbraypark Paramount and out of a dam bred from homebred lines. Another Parmount son, this time Mowbraypark Councillor TI +25 sold earlier in the day for 8,000gns to Messrs Wilkie and Sons, Westhill, Aberdeen. A first class winner, he was out of a homebred dam by Brampton Chopper.

Nine entries commanded a 8,500gns price tag. First to go was the May 2007 born Inverlochy Colonel TI +30, SRI +37, from father and son team, John and Raymond Irvine, Tomintoul, Ballindalloch, Banffshire. Sired by the 6,200gns Gower Versace, he was out of Inverlochy Parish, one of the 50 cow herd’s best bloodlines. The Irvines repeated their previous success in Perth by taking home for the second time the reserve senior champion award, this time with Colonel. The buyer was Yorkshire breeder, Billy Turner, Skelton-on-Ure, Ripon.

Another 21 month old entry commanding an 8,500gns bid was Corrie Cavalier TI +34, from Duncan MacGregor, Kilsyth, Glasgow. A Harestone Tadorne son and of a homebred dam by the 12,000gns Midlock Parker, he sold to Messrs Watson, Durris, Banchory.

Near neighbour, Neil Barclay, Crathes, Banchory offered his best, Harestone Concord TI +32 a 19 month by Harestone Tyrol for 8,500gns to Messrs Hogg, Gifford, East Lothian.

The Bothwells, Stuart and his son, David made yet another worthwhile trip across the water from Ballinamallard, County Fermanagh, this time with two 18 month olds both by Dunlon Ulick. First at 8,500gns to John and Diane Rees, Llangurig, Llanidloes was Killadeas Contact TI +30, SRI +34, a full brother to the 13,000gns Perth champion Killadeas Barney. Following on closely at 8,000gns was Killadeas Cognac TI +26, a half brother to Barney; the buyers were Messrs Davie, Denny, Stirling.

Carwood Cannon TI +27, SRI +33, commanded an 8,500gns bid for Mr and Mrs Colin Wight, Biggar from Messrs Thomson, Aberfeldy. This 17 month old entry was by Kelton Trident and out of a homebred cow by Simpsons Gregg.

The final 8,500gns call came towards the end of four and a half hour stint, from Messrs Anderson, Fortrose, Ross-shire for the supreme junior champion, Woodpark Caesar from Will Short, Omagh, County Tyronne. “I’m absolutely delighted,” he said. “I’ve been coming over to Perth for 10 years and this week, my lifelong ambition has almost come true.” Caesar was Mr Short’s first calf by the 19,000gns Corrie Alan and of a homebred dam by Doonally New from his 40 cow herd.

Averages: 195 bulls £6,062

Auctioneers: UA

link Charolais Achieves All Breeds Perth Bull Sales Record
link Carlisle Limousin Sale Sets UK All-Breeds Record Average
link Ravensworth Charolais Herd Wins EBLEX Award

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