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Stackyard News Jul 09

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Cogent’s Tenth Anniversary Deal

This summer, breeding company Cogent is pulling out all the stops to offer the best deals ever on sexed semen, in celebration of the company’s remarkable 10 years in this market.

Bickleygate Lucente Felicity VG87, bred by D P & F M Day & Son, North Yorkshire. Her sire, Lucente, is available sexed.

Bickleygate Lucente Felicity

Offers will be made available to customers new and old, to mark the outstanding success of the product and its phenomenal rate of uptake. The 10-year theme will be reflected in the offer through which 10 free straws will be given to customers from a selection of 10 bulls. The only purchase required is 20 straws, and bulls in the offer include household names such as Lucente, Dynamo and Shaker as well as red and white bloodlines and British Friesians.

It was in 1999 that the company began widespread farm trials with sexed semen, which were soon to be followed by the product’s commercial launch. As such, Cogent became the first company in the world to take this bold step, at a time when knowledge of the sexing process was in its infancy and many observers considered the company’s hefty investment was wide of the commercial mark.

“But they could not have been more wrong,” says Hugh Pocock, sales and genetics manager with Cogent. “In fact, we spent the ensuing 10 years fine-tuning the process, refining our quality standards and expanding our capacity. Today, Cogent sexed semen has become commonplace on farms; we know that our quality control and levels of product purity are unmatched anywhere else in the world; and we are proud that our world-class development scientists are recognised as leaders in the field. We also use a patented freezing technique which protects the semen better than any other freezing process available in the world.

“Consequently, as well as sexing semen for our own dairy farmer customers, Cogent now satisfies orders from a range of international breeding companies,” says Mr Pocock. “And with Cogent-sexed progeny in over 30 countries world-wide, we are delighted with the feedback we regularly receive.

“Recent reports from a German stud using our product are typical of what we hear and show an average conception rate of 64.7 per cent for its most recently analysed batch of just over 5,000 inseminations using Cogent-sexed semen.

“Results such as this, together with the growing number of success stories from our UK and Irish customers and a routine attainment of over 90 per cent heifer calves from every pregnancy, illustrate the levels of achievement possible from such a high quality product when it is expertly handled.

“Furthermore, the political and economic environment in which we work has radically changed since our inception,” adds Mr Pocock. “Not only is the need to avoid unwanted dairy bull calves greater today than when we began this journey, but the dairy industry desperately needs heifers to replenish the national herd in order to halt its contraction and retain its critical mass.”

UK farmers who would like to become part of this success and benefit from more heifers from their dairy herd should contact Cogent for more details of their ‘Tenth anniversary deal’. Tel: 01244 622000 or visit

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