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Stackyard News Sep 09

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    Blue Star Scheme Identifies Top Tups

One of the defining features of the NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale is the emphasis on quality and this year an increasing number of vendors will be opting for the Blue Star means of identifying their top tups.


NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale

The scheme is operated by Hybu Cig Cymru and provides an easy means for buyers to identify the best performing rams.

The top performing rams at the sale will be easily identified with blue stars.

Recorded rams are starred by means of spraying a star on the ram's back using a stencil, those with three stars are in the top 10% of the breed, those with two stars are in the top 25% and one star in the top 50%. HCC Project Executive Dewi Hughes says he and his team will be on hand at the sale both to help select rams on performance figures and to advise buyers about the way the scheme works.

He adds: "Using a ram with high performance figures can add £3 to every lamb sold, through increased weight gain and better conformation.

"HCC will be at the sale to provide support to ram buyers on how to select rams on performance figures. Selecting a ram on performance figures takes out the gamble of guessing if a ram's lambs will perform well or not.

"Also by selecting a ram on its performance figures you can ensure that the right ram is selected for your flock, for example by selecting a ram with a high 21 week weight you would expect his lambs to grow quickly or a ram could be selected on muscle depth to increase conformation of lambs. Rams can also be selected on their maternal ability if their intended purpose is to breed replacements."

HCC have produced a booklet "Ram Buyers Guide" explaining how to select rams on performance figures, for your free copy contact HCC on 01970 625 050 or download it from their website

Following the launch of HCC's "Genetic Improvement Scheme" the number of flocks registered to performance record in Wales has increased from 70 flocks to 200, inevitably this will increase the number of top performing lambs available to commercial ram buyers.

The NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale will be held at the Royal Welsh Showground on Monday September 21.

link Database is Central to Sheep Tagging Proposals
link Optimistic Expectations for NSA Wales and Border Ram Sale
link Inaugural Carlisle Show & Sale of Lleyn Prime Lambs

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