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Stackyard News Oct 09

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New High Type O-Man Son for Only £18

There may be a profusion of O-Man sons on the Holstein bull market, but few of them break the magical barrier for two points on type.

A daughter of Bomaz Oman Kramer

daughter of Bomaz Oman Kramer

Those that do, tend to be offered at fairly high prices, leaving many farmers questioning whether some of these bulls are commercial to use.

But Dairy Daughters – the company which has made its name by offering high quality genetics at high value prices – has once again broken the mould, adding an exceptional new two point Oman son to their line-up, and priced him at just £18.

Bomaz Oman Kramer combines his Type Merit of 2.09 with outstanding all-round performance, in which high milk production (PTA 675kg) comes without compromise. With almost 45kg fat plus protein in his Predicted Transmitting Ability and a positive percentage for fat, Kramer daughters are expected to be highly productive in the parlour. But he also transmits very low cell counts
(-11), and daughter lifespans are considerably longer than average. His PLI (Profitable Lifetime Index) is £167.

Kramer’s linear profile shows he transmits good mammary conformation for such a high production bull, with a mammary composite score of +1.59, and particularly shallow udders. He is slightly taller and more angular than many of his half brothers, and scores particularly highly for feet and legs at +2.13.

His dam is by Lexvold Luke Hershel, and is a full sister to the successful Bomaz Homestead (+2.6 type) and half sister to Merchant son Mercantile (+1.99 type), which all adds up to an interesting pedigree into the bargain.

link Omro is Oman Son for Udders
link Young British Friesian Sire Offered Sexed to Meet Growing Demand
link IGENITY Profiling to Help increase Jersey Breed’s Rate of Genetic Gain

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Dairy Daughters