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Stackyard News Oct 09

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Young British Friesian Sire Offered Sexed to Meet Growing Demand 2009-10-09

Growing demand for British Friesian genetics has prompted breeding company, Cogent, to take the unusual step of sexing semen from an unproven young sire.

Catlane Carl’s mother - Catlane Buro Christine 2 BFE92-2E

Catlane Carl’s mother - Catlane Buro Christine 2 BFE92-2E

The bull is Catlane Carl and the particular attraction of his pedigree is the longevity and high components that run right through his family.

“Carl’s mother, Catlane Buro Christine 2, has recently calved her fifth and has 35 tonnes of milk behind her; his maternal grandam produced 70 tonnes; his third dam gave 80 tonnes; his fourth dam produced 90 tonnes and his fifth dam completed over 100 tonnes,” says Craig Davidson, sire analyst with Cogent. “The same trait runs through both lines of his family as his sire (Catlane Speaker) and maternal grandsire, and their immediate ancestors, all have positive genetic indexes for Lifespan.”

Carl’s mother also has an exceptional type classification, with an overall score of EX92 points which breaks down to Excellent scores in every area – importantly legs and feet, mammary and body conformation.

“This cow has also produced yields of up to 4.74 per cent fat and 3.63 per cent protein. Her most recent lactation totalled 8,713kg at 4.74 per cent fat and 3.41 per cent protein (305 days), giving her a Production Index of 131 within the Simpson family’s Nuneaton-based herd in which she was bred.

“We are delighted to be able to offer sexed semen from this bull,” continues Mr Davidson, “as he is expected to transmit the sort of strength and robustness demanded by more and more breeders, who are increasingly turning to British Friesians to provide these traits.

“Added to this is his Pedigree Index which features +0.05 percent fat and +0.08 percent protein and a PLI (Profitable Lifetime Index) of £124, and this young sire promises to be an exceptional package.”

Price is £10 for conventional and £31 for sexed.

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