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Stackyard News Nov 09

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Soaring Sales of 75% Sexed Semen

Holman, the first Holstein bull to be offered in the UK giving 75% heifers using new semen sexing technology, has outsold other sexed bulls in the stud during its first two months of availability.

Genesee Holman 4521

Genesee Holman 4521

This instant popularity, backed by comments received from over 400 dairy farmer interviews by’s breeding advisors, is a clear indication that this innovative approach to semen sexing is delivering an effective herd replacement solution, says the company.

“G75 sexed semen stems from a new manufacturing process that enables more product to survive with little damage, therefore allowing better quality bulls to be sexed at significantly less cost to the farmer than conventional sexed semen,” says managing director Nick Kirby.

“This allows us to market a bull of the calibre of Holman for £19/straw as sexed semen, compared with £38 in the conventional G90 sexed semen format.

“From the feedback we are receiving, a 75% heifer return rate is adequate for most dairy farmers’ replacement requirements. The G75 sexed semen is therefore a very cost effective way to guarantee heifers without compromising on genetic quality.”

A son of O-Man Justice out of a Mtoto dam, Wa Del Ricecrest Holman exhibits a great reduction in cell count at –28%, and above average daughter fertility at +2. His excellent management traits continue with a positive lifespan of +0.4 and a calm temperament. Production is strong, adding +625kg milk with +41kg fat and protein. Holman cattle are strong and long lasting with chest width at +2.4, together with good body depth and rump width. UK Type Merit is +1.27, legs and feet 0.87 and mammary +1.21.

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