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Stackyard News Mar 2010

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Awarding the Farming Enterprising

The Glendale Agricultural Society has today launched the 2010 Glendale Agricultural Society Award for New Enterprise.

Enterprise Award Judges
L-R Andrew Entwistle, Ralph Thompson, Ronald Barber

Enterprise Award Judges

This award, sponsored by George F. White, is open specifically to farmers with a new enterprise established by an existing farm business anywhere in Northumberland within the last five years. Bringing with it a £500 prize, the winner will be announced and the award presented at The Glendale Show on August Bank Holiday Monday.

The judging panel for the 2010 awards will include Ronald Barber Company Director of the Glendale Agricultural Society, Andrew Entwistle Partner of George F. White and Ralph Thompson of Silvermoor Haylage, winner of the 2008 Enterprise Award.

The application process is straightforward with a short entry form to be completed. Entries will be judged upon the basis of:

  • Innovative approach
  • Economic viability / profitability
  • Promotion of a best practice example / role model to others
  • Potential contribution to the rural economy of Northumberland
  • Future goals and aspirations

Northumberland has some fantastic farm based businesses which have been established within the last five years, many of which have become integral and important parts of today’s overall farming business. As such the judges are expecting to see a range of products, services, or ground-breaking ideas which have brought diversity, viability and renewed vigour to the main farming business.

The closing date for entries is the 30th May 2010 and all finalists will receive a personal visit by the Judging Panel sometime during the first two weeks of July together with Glendale Show entry tickets and an invitation to the President’s Reception at the show. The £500 prize will be awarded and presented at The Glendale Show on August Bank Holiday Monday,

Applicants for the New Enterprise Award may be located anywhere in Northumberland and must have been established within the last 5 years.

“This is an excellent opportunity for any small business to receive recognition and raise their profile,” says Ronald Barber, Company Director of the Glendale Agricultural Society. "There are many hugely successful farm diversification projects in Northumberland, The Glendale Agricultural Society is grateful that George F. White are sponsoring this competition again which will be able to highlight some of these. So anyone who wants to be recognised or knows of someone they think should be recognised for developing a sustainable future for their farm through a new enterprise, should give it a go and fill in an application.”

George F. White, who have Northumberland offices in Alnwick and the Tyne Valley is the largest firm of independent Chartered Surveyors in the region and Andrew Entwistle, stresses how important it is that these businesses are highlighted and supported: " As a company we are fully aware that in recent years more and more farmers have had to develop their overall offering and look at ideas to add value to their existing business. Today Northumberland has some of the most fantastic food producers, tourism businesses and equine organisations in the country, so hopefully by highlighting these new enterprises more people will be encouraged to think about new opportunities."

Application forms are available from The Glendale Agricultural Society on 01668283868 or available to download from

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Glendale Agricultural Society