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Stackyard News Apr 2010

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Aberdeen-Angus Sires Registrations Hit Highest Ever Numbers

An unprecedented demand for high quality Aberdeen-Angus sires displaying modern attributes has seen registrations in the Aberdeen-Angus Society’s herdbook soar to record levels.

Society chief executive Ron McHattie

Ron McHattie

In 2009 registrations with the society hit an all time high of 13,361, representing a 4.84% increase on the year.

Of those cattle registered with the Aberdeen-Angus Society 5395 were bulls, while 7966 females were registered.

This places the breed at the number two spot for pedigree beef breed registrations in the UK, and reinforces its position as the top ranking native sire.

Commenting on the record registrations society chief executive Ron McHattie said breeders continued to respond to the ever increasing commercial demand for Aberdeen-Angus sires by producing bulls which are in constant demand in the marketplace.

“There is no doubt that this record number of registrations has been driven by increased demand from suckler producers for quality Aberdeen-Angus sires. The simple truth is that producers recognise the value of Aberdeen-Angus sires and want to capitalise on all the breed has to offer.

“They want easy calving bulls to reduce labour requirements and aid cow health, they recognise the natural polling of the breed eliminates the need to dehorn calves and most importantly they receive a premium for their calves and finished cattle and want to capitalise on that.

“On top of that Aberdeen-Angus sired calves require less concentrate feed than their Continental sired counterparts, helping reduce costs and the carbon footprint of producing high quality Aberdeen-Angus beef.”

The high uptake of Breedplan recording by society members also had a significant part to play as it has helped reinforce the breed’s reputation as a modern beef breed being developed to suit the needs of commercial farmers, added Mr McHattie.

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Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society