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Stackyard News Apr 2010

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Great Yorkshire Show Livestock Entry Bonanza

An unprecedented number of entries have already been received for the cattle classes at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show. The farming and countryside showcase runs from Tuesday 13 – Thursday 15 July, and as ever, the livestock classes will be at the heart of the event, which is now England’s premier agricultural show.

The Supreme Beef Champion at the 2009 Great Yorkshire Show, a Galloway bull shown by William MacLean of Oban

Supreme Beef Champion

Bill Cowling, Honorary Show Director said: “We’re absolutely delighted that once again we have strong support from the livestock farmers across Britain, in fact it is unprecedented and classes are already almost full. To date we have received more than 800 entries compared with just over 100 at this time last year which is a phenomenal increase, particularly as entries don’t close until Tuesday 25 May.”

“For a number of years, as we’ve got closer to the show dates, we have had to operate a waiting list for cattle but this year, what is different is that the entries have come in much quicker, so we are already virtually at capacity,” he said. In recent years a waiting list, on a “first come first served” first has been operated and this will again be the case.

In all 20 breeds plus commercial classes are represented at the show and following high numbers in 2009, the decision was taken to provide additional cattle stalling. “We’ve added a marquee which will house an extra 100 cattle. This will be used by the Simmentals, as part of their 40th anniversary celebrations, so that frees an equivalent number in the main cattle sheds, ” Mr Cowling added.

“Of course whilst on one level we’re delighted, on another it gives us a real dilemma. The Great Yorkshire Show has built its reputation on being a true agricultural show so of course we want to have as many cattle in the rings for the public to see as possible, but we only have a finite amount of space. Post July we will look to see if we can make any adjustments which would help, said Mr Cowling.” We would be very happy to listen to any suggestions.” The beef classes are sponsored by ASDA and the dairy classes are sponsored by ARLA.

From enquiries received to date, entries for sheep, pigs and horses are also expected to be high but are unlikely to result in waiting lists.

Highlights in the cattle section include:



Please note that the commercial beef classes will be held on Wednesday, beginning at 8.30am, rather than on the Tuesday.

link Scotgrass 2010 Exhibits Fully Booked
link Something for Everyone at NSA Scotsheep 2010
link Call for Farmers to Get Involved with Open Farm Sunday

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Great Yorkshire Show