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Stackyard News Apr 2010

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Glendale Show Attracts Record Funding

Despite the current economic climate and the uncertainty often associated with an election, The Glendale Agricultural Society is delighted to announce that they have already received unprecedented support for The 2010 Glendale Show.

John Tait, Managing Director of Lazy Grace
& Show Secretary, Rachael Smith

John Tait & Rachael Smith

Held on August Bank Holiday this is the largest rural event in North Northumberland and so far sponsorship for this year’s show is up over 10%. The Title Sponsor this year is National Grid, who have committed their support to the show for the next two years.

Another major new sponsor for 2010 is Rothbury based design company Lazy Grace. They have committed to providing over £6000 worth of bespoke design and marketing assistance. Northumbria Larder has once again agreed to support the speciality food marquee and Northumbrian Water are supporting the craft marquee, Lord Ravensworth - the cattle section, Kelso Races - the ex-racehorse classes and Jobsons of Alnwick the working hunter classes.

For almost 120 years The Glendale Show has been a showcase for all aspects of rural life and it now attracts in the region of 13,000 visitors. Many of the exhibits and displays are traditional and are largely unchanged in origin. However, each year it is important that the show evolves to meet current agricultural standards, legislation and visitor expectations.

There are extensive sheep, rare breed and cattle classes and a huge industrial and horticultural section with vast displays of baking, vegetables, flowers and craftwork. There is a speciality food marquee, craft marquee with over 200 trade stands, children’s entertainment, a fairground and main ring attractions.

Show Secretary Rachael Smith says:“We are delighted with the increase of sponsorship we have achieved this year which demonstrates the growing support for this major event from across the region and which will help to ensure another highly successful show in August. I would like to thank those companies and organisations who have already made a commitment to the 2010 show and in particular to National Grid who have confirmed they will be the principal sponsor for the next two years which is a very exciting move for the Show.”

Marketing and promoting the show is a huge undertaking and Lazy Grace have agreed to provide the design work for the show brochures, posters, tickets, programme covers and website and the printing of promotional materials.

John Tait Managing Director of Lazy Grace tells us why they are supporting the show:
“Lazy Grace is a rural business which seeks to promote the countryside, its businesses and individuals. The Glendale Show is the primary show in North Northumberland and we are very much in tune with its rural ethos and focus on preservation of country life. Many of our clients have an input into the show and it makes sense for us to help fund an agricultural and entertainment attraction which benefits and promotes the region’s countryside values”.

The livestock classes are always one of the most popular attractions at the show and this section has also attracted new sponsorship. For the first time, Kelso Races will sponsor the ex-racehorse classes and Jobsons of Alnwick Ltd are sponsoring the working hunter classes. “However there is still one high profile area that offers a fantastic PR opportunity” says Rachael:

“We are still looking for sponsorship for the goat classes which have their own independent marquee in a prime position on the Showfield. We know from our research that the livestock at the show are a huge attraction and that many visitors to the Glendale Show come specifically to see the livestock. If there are any businesses that might be able to support this area or would like to hear about any other opportunities we would love to hear from them.”

Anyone interested in finding out more about Glendale Show should contact the Show Secretary Rachael Smith on 01668 283868 or visit

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Glendale Agricultural Society