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Stackyard News May 2010

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Swish Prizes on NBA Balmoral Show Stand

Join the National Beef Association, the voice of all in the business of beef production, during Balmoral Show and you could head home with a Swish prize!

Looking ahead to the free Swish draw for those joining the National Beef Association at Balmoral Show are vet Mairead O’Grady, Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health, NBA committee member Stephen Heenan, right, and chairman Oisin Murnion.

National Beef Association at Balmoral Show

The very special ‘Join Today, Enjoy for a Year’ offer on the NBA stand in the Nugent Hall. Simply sign up to become a member and you have the chance to win one of three prizes each a day, a 2.5 litre, one litre or 250ml pack of Swish from Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health.

Oisin Murnion, NBA chairman in NI urges fellow beef producers to take advantage of this very special show offer.

“Members benefit year round from the NBA Business Bulletin carrying prompt and independent market updates from across these islands.

They also receive ‘The Beef Farmer’ monthly magazine and enjoy discounted entry to NBA events including Beef Expos, farm walks and seminars.

“Above all, the stronger you make the NBA, the stronger it becomes in battling for a fairer share of margins for all who help produce the very best beef in Europe.”

Butox Swish is a pour-on suspension to control flies and lice on cattle. For up to 4 weeks after application of Butox Swish at the standard dose it has been shown to kill the midge on cattle, which can carry the Bluetongue virus. Midges receive a lethal dose of the product when they land on hair of a treated animal distant from the site of application. As midges feed mostly on belly and legs this is a very important feature.

The midges die before the virus can multiply within them helping to prevent the spread of this devastating disease. Simple and safe to use, Swish is available from your local veterinary practice or agricultural merchant.

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