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Stackyard News May 2010

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The Prince of Wales Launches the Wool Project

The Prince of Wales launched a new initiative aimed at increasing demand for British and Commonwealth wool earlier this year. ‘The Wool Project’ will see diverse groups from across the wool sector including textile designers, the carpet and fashion industries work together to improve public awareness of the benefits of this sustainable product.

HRH The Prince of Wales at the launch in the UK
photo courtesy
HRH The Prince of Wales

The Prince of Wales, a long time supporter of upland hill farmers, has long been concerned about the low prices farmers have been receiving for their fleeces. In February 2009 His Royal Highness convened a meeting at Clarence House of representatives of wool producers, the fashion, retail and carpet industries, textile designers and the fire service to see how the problem could be addressed.

Wool grower organisations from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand and others, including Marks and Spencer, will launch a consumer facing campaign in the Autumn that will communicate the advantages of wool to the general public.

‘The Wool Project’ Chairman and Director, Pastoral Alliance (NSA) John Thorley said,

"Wool is a sustainable, natural product – the production of which involves far lower carbon emissions than man-made fibres. It is perfect for domestic use as a natural insulator and is naturally fire retardant. We are delighted that The Prince of Wales has helped bring us all together to communicate its many benefits to the public, and help improve the market for sheep farmers across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth."

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