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Stackyard News May 2010

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An Agreement to Farm Better Skills

Lantra Sector Skills Council and Scottish Tenant Farmers Association (STFA) declared their commitment to agriculture, as they pledged to encourage businesses and individuals to invest in skills in a formal agreement.



The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) acknowledges the partnership between the two organisations and details an action plan that will help industry meet the challenges they face by boosting workforce development to ensure they have the skills they need.

Lantra’s Regional Partnership Manager, Mary Mitchell, said: “Lantra is pleased to have signed this agreement as it commits us both to work together to support businesses through the promotion and delivery of qualifications and high quality learning opportunities. Lantra and STFA will encourage businesses and individuals to ensure they have the necessary skills to be proactive and adapt to the ever-changing environment. This is especially important in agriculture as the industry can so often be influenced policy and regulation. A committed and highly skilled workforce lies at the centre of a sustainable and profitable business and so skills must be top of the agenda.”

Lantra and STFA will now work collectively with employers to take part in research to identify industry training and development needs. They will work to secure funding from the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) Skills Development Scheme, to enable projects, such as enhancing skills for women in rural areas, and assisting farmers and younger generations of farmers to acquire the skills to manage the family farm effectively, to be rolled out.

The two organisations will also continue to promote and encourage new entrants of all ages by highlighting the excellent career and progression opportunities available in the environmental and land-based sector to ensure a supply of skilled people to the agricultural industry.

Angus McCall, Chairman, added: “The STFA and Lantra have already worked together to raise the awareness of the benefits of investing in skills. This Memorandum of Understanding affirms this existing collaborative relationship and is a commitment to develop key actions to secure a profitable future for member tenant farmers and the industry as a whole.”

Mary continued: “The MoU is a ‘milestone’, rather than an end point. The action plan will be reviewed continuously as industry ‘drivers’ such as, policy, climate change, regulation, and legislation develop over the coming years.”

link Not Too Late to Protect Single Farm Payments
link Opportunities to Improve Your Farm Business
link Education Foundation Supports Children’s Day

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