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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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Early Proven Goldwyn Son with Widespread Farmer Appeal

One of the first ever Braedale Goldwyn sons to have real daughter information is now being offered to UK farmers. The bull is expected to have widespread appeal across a broad cross-section of dairy farmers, who have experienced the success of his legendary sire, but have been unable to acquire his genetics for several years.

Creekside Palermo 44

Creekside Palermo 44

The bull is Glenn-Ann Palermo and although he is little over four years old, he already has an 86 percent reliable progeny proof in the USA, where 46 of his daughters in 36 herds contribute to his figures. This equates to a reliability of 63 percent when converted to a UK scale.

High on the UK’s Profitable Lifetime Index ranking with a PLI of £121, Palermo has already been dubbed ‘Bull of the week’ by respected breed specialist magazine Holstein International and is being hailed as one of the most complete bulls to come from the USA in recent years.

Features of his proof with particular appeal are his positive fat and protein percentages (+0.03 and +0.02%), an impressive cell count index of -20 and better body traits (more width, more depth and less angularity) than his sire.

A ‘no holes’ linear type profile features many other traits for which his sire is known including stature, high and well attached udders, and correct legs and feet.

His type proof equates to a UK Type Merit of 2.46 while for those familiar with US figures, he has an impressive TPI (Total Performance Index) of 2008.

Palermo’s mother is a VG89 Rudolph who has already completed three lactations, with a best record of 15,490kg at 4.5% fat and 3.4% protein. Her dam is a VG87 Formation who goes back to a VG85 Blackstar, and a VG87 Chief Mark.

“We are delighted to have secured a bull of this calibre for British farmers who have already indicated that they are eager to tap into early Goldwyn bloodlines, without resorting to an unproven son,” says Evans Drayton of Dairy Daughters, who will be marketing the bull. “Palermo’s now-deceased sire remains at number four in the UK PLI ranking and has earned the status of ‘Holstein legend’, so we hope this son will go on to emulate his lifetime performance.”
Palermo is priced at £28.

link Sky’s the Limit for the UK Jersey with Cogent’s Backing
link Animat Rubber Dairy Flooring Now Available in the UK
link Cogent Confirmed as Having the Top Type Holstein Bulls

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