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Stackyard News Jun 2010

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Cumbria Young Farmers Club Yomp

20 Young Farmers from Pennine, Crook, Eden Valley, Grayrigg and Kent estuary YFC’s completed the 11.5 miles Yomp from Kirkby Stephen to the Nine Standards and back in aid of charity.

Back row: Matt Davies, John Taylor, John Tunstall. Middle Row: Emma Littlewood, Jan Davinson, Gemma Packham, Tracey Dargue, Claire Patterson, Leanne Wilson, Hayley Pattinson, Kelly Ousby. Front Row: Lucy Mason, Claire Mason, Alice Batty, Vicky Neil, Lisa Mason.

YFC Yompers

They have chosen the Calvert Trust at Keswick to be the recipient of their hard earned funds as is provides excellent activity holidays for young people in Cumbria with disabilities.

John Tunstall, District Chairman who along with Tracey Dargue encouraged the young farmers to enter said, “This is only one of the many charity events that Young Farmers do to make money for charities – but it is possibly the most strenuous.

"Next weekend we’ll be clearing a disused railway line at Hincaster helping the Hincaster Trailway Group make it into a wheelchair friendly bridleway.”

link Butcher’s Lamb Classes Added to East of England Winter Stock Festival
link 2010 Children’s Countryside Day
link Northumberland Show Sheep Shearing Competition Looms

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Cumbria Young Farmers