Bayer Animal Health has replaced its coccidiocides: Baycox Bovis, Baycox Sheep and Baycox Piglet, with one single multi-species oral suspension called Baycox 50 mg/ml, licensed for use in calves, lambs and piglets. So livestock farmers with more than one species to treat, need only purchase the one product, Baycox 50mg/ml, from their vet.
Baycox 50mg/ml is available
exclusively via vets
The coccidiocide products, Baycox Bovis (for calves) and Baycox Sheep (for lambs), and Baycox 50mg/ml for piglets, remain registered and do not need to be returned.
Efficacy, application methods and dosing requirements using Baycox 50mg/ml remain unchanged for each individual species. Full instructions on dosing piglets, calves and lambs with Baycox 50mg/ml are contained on the bottle label.
Baycox is a ready-to-use oral suspension that destroys all intracellular stages of coccidia to prevent further oocysts from being shed so reducing the infection pressure. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis, and is administered in a convenient single oral dose.
The practical multi-species presentation Baycox 50mg/ml is available exclusively via vets, and is the only coccidiocide licensed for piglets, calves and lambs. For more information, farmers should contact their vet.
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