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Pedigree Charollais Females at Skipton

J A & R Geldard & Sons, of Low Foulshaw Farm, Gilpin Bridge, Kendal, saw one of their ten-strong consignment of shearling ewes crowned supreme champion at the annual show and sale of pedigree Charollais females at Skipton Auction Mart. (Sat, Oct 16)

John Geldard with his family’s Skipton Charollais pedigree female champion.

Charollais pedigree female

Held under the auspices of the British Charollais Sheep Society and featuring a total entry of 87 females, all from MV-accredited flocks, with all ewes and shearling ewes in-lamb, the December, 2008-born two-shear ewe was one of twins by the Geldards’ well-proven stock ram Banwy Immense, who was responsible for all ten entries at the show.

At 10,500gns, Banwy Immense became the record price ram at Welshpool when acquired by the family two years ago. By Fourice Eurostar, bred by Charollais stalwarts Charles and Valerie Marwood, of Whenby, York, he also produced the Geldards’ ram lamb champion at Skipton’s September pedigree Charollais breed society fixture.

Rams from the Geldards’ renowned Wraycastle flock, much in demand by commercial breeders, have sold well at sales across the north-west of the country, achieving breed championship and reserve championship honours at Carlisle and Chelford respectively.

Their latest Skipton victor, AI’d to Gogwell Kicking King, which caught the Geldards’ eye at this year’s Premier Sale, was one of the two entries that sold for the day’s joint top price of 1,000gns (£1,050) to James Winter, from Appleby in Westmorland.

Like other Autumn Charollais in-lamb female sales, the Skipton fixture produced solid trade, with notable demand for strong sheep with good bloodlines.

The second 1,000gns bid was registered by local breeder Neville Smith, of Lothersdale, for the second prize shearling ewe from Kenton Foster’s Leyburn-based Garriston flock.

The two-shear, carrying twins by Coventry Fosterman, was second in class as a ewe lamb at the Great Yorkshire Show, progressing this year to become Nidderdale interbreed champion, Stokesley reserve interbreed, Egton reserve interbreed, reserve champion at Gargrave and first prize in-lamb female at Wensleydale.

Mr Foster also exhibited the third prize shearling ewe, which became another James Winter acquisition at 900gns. Also a daughter of Coventry Fosterman, her dam bred the fifth prize ram lamb at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show.

The North Yorkshire breeder had an excellent day. Mr Foster’s three ewe lamb entries landed a clean sweep of the main class prizes, with the first prize winner going on to be chosen as reserve supreme champion by show judge Brian Harvey, from Auldgirth, Dumfries.

By a ram acquired from Cumbrian Charollais breeder John Stott, of Stainton, Kendal, she was one of the first prize winning group of three at this year’s Great Yorkshire, while her dam was female interbreed and reserve overall interbreed champion at 2010 Ripley Show.

The Skipton 1st prize ewe lamb headed the class prices at 650gns when joining A J Rooke, of Harome, York.

The second in class was by the same sire, who is producing some worthy show lambs for Mr Foster. She also joined A J Rooke for 400gns, with the third in class was knocked down for 450gns to Ballanharry Farms in the Isle of Man.

Coventry Fosterman sired the dams of all Mr Foster’s prize-winning ewe lambs, along with a further shearling that made 750gns.

The Geldard familiy also sold another four Banwy Immense shearling daughters at 860gns, 800gns twice and 750gns.

Of the other principle prices, Red Rose breeder Mark Worthington, of Higher Moss, Shuttleworth, Ramsbottom, sold a shearling daughter of Wraycastle Indigo for 850gns, the same price achieved for another shearling by Southam Exotic from Patricia Arrand, of Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe, Thirsk. John Stott himself sold a shearling by Chestnut Park Dumbledore for 820gns.

Charles and Valerie Marwood, supreme champions at the corresponding 2009 Skipton fixture, were well represented again this year with a batch of 50 in-lamb shearling ewes – all sold in their “working clothes,” so not entered in the show classes.

They came from solid breeding lines, including the Foulrice senior stock sire Ash Charolais Filibuster, who was responsible for the Marwoods’ top-priced Skipton entry at 780gns. Two other shearlings, one by Parkgate Insignia, the second by Edstaston Head Master, both made 700gns.

link Priestley’s Elvis King at Skipton Pedigree Beef Fixture
link Verity Victory Hat-Trick at Skipton Gimmer Lamb Show
link Skipton Swaledale Show Success a Family Affair

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