Research should focus more on helping to balance environmental,
social and economic issues in order to help consumers, farmers,
food producers and countryside communities, government advisers
said today.
The independent Sustainable Farming and Food Research Priorities
Group (RPG) wants research funded by government and industry
to concentrate more on issues such as climate change, environment-friendly
land management, food safety, water and waste to support better-informed
The RPG was set up to advise Defra on how best to use publicly-funded
and industry research to promote sustainable farming and food.
Its report highlights several priorities, including:
• Climate change impacts on crops, water and soil.
• Waste reduction and better use of existing resources.
• Environment-friendly land management.
• Food that encourages healthier diets.
• Better food safety and consumer information.
Food and Farming Minister Larry Whitty said:
"Coordination between government departments, Research
Councils and industry on science and research is vital. Together
we must ensure that we have sound scientific evidence to inform
and influence policies aimed at delivering real, sustainable
benefits to people.
"This report is a valuable contribution to our research
plans. It highlights the need for more environmental and socio-economic
research to underpin our efforts to secure a sustainable future
for our farming and food industries and to create thriving rural
communities. I expect to see many of the report's recommendations
taken up. "
RPG chairman Professor Chris Pollock said:
"Our discussions and consultation with a wide range of
people - and we could not have achieved what we have thus far
without the invaluable input of stakeholders and the public -
have emphasised the need to develop research priorities that
are coherent, relevant to sustainable development and that address
strategic issues for farming and food.
"We hope that this report will be the catalyst for an integrated
programme of work that will involve a range of different funders
and will benefit directly both consumers and those involved in
the sustainable production, processing and marketing of food."
Sir Don Curry, the Government's independent adviser on sustainable
farming and food, said:
"The formation of a new 'priorities board' was one of the
recommendations we made in the Policy Commission report. I am
delighted that the RPG has been set up and the progress that
has been made through the consultation process. The research
priorities that have been identified to underpin the sustainable
farming and food strategy are crucial to success and I hope the
other research funders will engage in this process."
To see the report and for more about the RPG go to http://www.defra.gov.uk/science/rpg/research_priorities.htm