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Stackyard News Feb 05

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Welcome Progress towards end of OTMS

NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement today by Defra and the devolved administrations that two more significant steps have been taken towards the unwinding of the Over Thirty Months Scheme (OTMS).

The two steps announced are the start of BSE testing trials in abattoirs, two of which are in Scotland, and the launch of a consultation on the new testing regulations. These developments follow the opening of the Food Standards Agency's consultation on OTMS changes last week and the start of the BSE cohort cull.

Since the UK Government announced last December that the OTMS would be lifted and replaced with a robust BSE testing regime, NFUS has stressed the importance of co-ordinating the various steps involved in bringing the Scottish beef industry belatedly back onto an equal footing with its European counterparts.

Last week, NFUS, together with the Scottish Association of Meat Wholsesalers, met Defra officials in London to discuss the ongoing work. From that meeting it is clear that significant progress is being made. Tomorrow, NFUS Vice President David Mitchell is in London for the latest meeting of OTMS stakeholders.

Ahead of the meeting and in response to today's announcement, Mr Mitchell said:

"The timetable for lifting OTMS and restoring our full export status is extremely tight, but following our recent meetings, I am confident that significant progress is being made.

"These latest steps announced today, following on from the launch of the FSA consultation last week and the start of the BSE cohort cull, is proof that things are moving in the right direction. There are still many more steps to be taken in a short space of time, so clear co-ordination of the work being undertaken by the various agencies and government departments involved is critical.

"The BSE testing regime is central to this whole process and the new trials will ensure the system is robust before any changes take effect."

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National Farmers' Union
NFU Scotland