Paisley based Scottish Milk Laboratories (SML) has appointed Christine
Brow as area field manager for its new milk recording service.
Based in Ayrshire, Mrs Brow will co-ordinate the company's team
of milk recorders across the country. She will also be promoting
the service and carrying out the initial introduction and explanation
of the new service to dairy farmer customers.
Christine Brow has more than 20 years experience in the agricultural
industry in Scotland, having worked for several large agricultural
merchants in sales and key accounts, including Dalgety Agriculture,
Spillers speciality feeds and BOCM Pauls.
Owned by NMR, SML offers a fully integrated and comprehensive
milk recording service to Scottish dairy farmers, providing
choice and a flexible approach to their data recording and
Producers will be able to opt for one of a range of milk recording
intervals and a DIY or recorder supported option. In addition,
milk recorded data through SML will link directly with the
leading dairy management software offered through NMR, as well
as working with its hand held data capture equipment.
Initially covering the southwest, SML milk recording will
take advantage of the NMR transport infrastructure to offer
an efficient and rapid service to its laboratory in Paisley.