MOVES to implement a comprehensive training strategy for
the British pig industry have taken a major step forward.
Documentation to support both trainees and trainers working
towards the new pig industry qualifications will be produced
by ELITE Consortium, a company representing five of the
UK's leading land-based colleges.
The production team, which includes eminent pig industry
consultants, will be headed by Dr Sam Hoste.
BPEX is sponsoring the production of the material and
will be managing the administration of the delivery of
the bid but the Pig Industry Implementation Group will
be responsible for ensuring the quality and timing of delivery.
BPEX Strategy Co-ordinator Andrew Knowles, said: "The
panel had a difficult task assessing the various proposals
and were particularly impressed by two of them. "But
they were finally swayed towards ELITE because of their
access to and planned use of state of the art delivery
methods and materials."
The panel is also delighted to announce that Gerry Brent
has agreed to act as liaison between ELITE and the Implementation
Implementation Group Chairman, Richard Longthorp, said: "Gerry
has not only been involved with the development of the
Strategy from the outset, but can legitimately claim, though
undoubtedly his natural modesty would prevent him so doing,
to have been the "father" of the strategy.
"Gerry used his acceptance speech at the David Black
Award of 2004, to get the ear of the then Minister and
Permanent Secretary to kickstart a concept that had been
and continues to be close to his heart.
"He has a far more comprehensive understanding not
only of the technical aspects of what the Strategy is aiming
to deliver but also the conceptual parts, some of which
are yet to be developed."
The Industry Group has already written a new suite of
qualifications designed to be both relevant and flexible.
These have been given the Qualifications and Curriculum
Authority stamp of approval which in turn means that people
working towards them will be eligible for funding via the
Learning and Skills Council.
Groups have also been set up in several regions to pilot
much of the activity planned for a national rollout later
this year. The production of this material will support
those seeking to attain those qualifications.
The Strategy, seen by many as a possible model for other
sectors in that it is demand driven and is being developed
by the industry, has already received wide acceptance and
support from industry.
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